A heart like yours

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Still Miyeons POV

After she told me that I was speechless

How can someone like her be this hurt

We are currently at her house. she is in her room and I am in the living room

Babe lets go Minnie said right next to me since I was spacing out and didn't notice her

Where are we going I asked somewhere she said as she dragged me out but always being gentile

After a 30min drive

We are here she said an I looked around and I saw a cemetery. She got off the car and like always opened the door for me. I got out and she was looking for something in the back seat. She closed the door and in her hand were roses

come on she said as she hold my hand to start walking

After like a few minutes of walking she stopped I looked down and saw a stone

Hey ma, as I promised you I will come back to visit someday. I finally found someone who can take care of me. Her name is Cho Miyeon. I always wondered how you look like and what if one day I have kids how would they look like. But there is one thing I know they would be beautiful as their mother and handsome as me. Too much confidence I know. Mom I miss you so much even if I never got to see nor feel your embrace. I hope your doing fine, I am since the day I met Miyeon I promised myself to change for her. Please wait for me ma, I will one day get to see the person who gave life to me but ended her own. I wonder how my dad is doing, I never hated him for leaving never blamed him for his action, even if he would've stayed you still wouldn't be here and I would've ended alone. Lets not talk about that, I brought her to show you the person who has healed my heart, the person who is slowly melting the ice in my heart. I would love to marry her one day. Please watch over us. I will visit again hope fully with a little me in her belly. Love you ma, see you soon She said as she finally placed the roses on her grave droplets of water started to fall she took oh her hoodie and put it on me

Don't cry ma She said as she guided me to the car

now we are in the car in silence I swear its killing me

Would you want to have kids with me? She asked in one of her most calmest tones ever

Y-yeah I said stuttering

Ok was the only thing she and she started to drive

You wanna go out on a date she asked me

Sure why not I said as I holded her hand that was on the gear stick





We went to a café and then we went to the fair to distract our minds. At the fair I saw one of the most cutest side of her, she was like a little kid going on the rides.

there was this little kid that was lost and Minnie helped her find her parents. But to our surprise it was a single mother with 3 kids.

The girl was kinda flirting with her but Minnie introduced me to her as her girlfriend. The girl stopped doing what she was doing and thanked us especially Minnie and grabbed the girls little hand and left

Being a single mom is hard, I would never let you raise a child alone even if it weren't mine she said and held my hands

Right now we are at my house she decided to stay here with me

When is your monthly bill? she asked

Next week, why? I answered back

here she said and gave me some money

Ive been here a lot lately and I want to help you out she added

I just nodded and accepted the money she gave me

Babe, I will always be here just ask me if you need something. That's what being your girlfriend means, okay she said as she kissed my forehead

Lets watch a movie she said

sure I said still flustered at what she said. she is being to sweet and im loving it


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