What is this?

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Minnie POV

I don't know what has gotten into me.

Why am I hugging her like this and why am I even hugging her

What are you doing to me Miyeon

Why does it affect me like this

I pulled out of the hug when and my eye landed on hers. NO IM NOT FALLING IN LOVE. It can't be

Miyeon POV

When she pulled out the hug her eyes landed on mine

I saw a little bit of sadness and a lot of loneliness  in them

Is that that the reason she is so cold tords people

She looked away and got up "let's go, pick out some cloths to take with you. Today is Friday so we have all the weekend to work on the project" she said while turning around

Before she could even take a step I pulled her by her arm a little to strong and she ended falling on top of me

"Yaaay cuddles" I said while wrapping my arms around her

"Eeeewwww I don't like cuddles" she said

"But you like hugs" i said

"It's two different things"she said

"Can we please cuddle"i asked

She looked at me in her eyes I could tell something was bothering her I let go cause I don't know if it's because of me

As soon as I let go I thought she would get up but I was wrong

She was still in between my legs when I suddenly felt her pick me up and put me in the center of the bed

Then she grabbed something to put in my womanhood since I wasn't wearing anything accept her shirt

She positioned her self in between my legs and she started to cuddle with me

"Do you wanna cuddle or not"she asked

"YEEEESSSSS"I screamed and wrapped my arms around her and stayed like that

Minnie why are you making my heart beat for you.

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