Not ready

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Minnies POV

I laid her besides me

"Babe are you sure you want a kid at this moment?"

She asked

"Yea why do you ask?" I asked

"Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking of kids. We still are going to school think about who will the kid grow up with. Babe I would love to have one with you but I'm not ready to be a mother and your not ready to be mom/dad
Trust me" she said and I kinda got mad

"Fine take the pill" I said as I gave her a pill that I had in my cabinet and started to put my clothes on and left the room

I was going to sleep on the couch but I started to feel bad for being rude. She is right though we are to young

I got up from the couch and went to her bedroom

Before I could enter I heard sobs. I leaned closer to the door

"I'm sorry Minnie my illusion of being a parent was forever gone when the child was taken away from me. By abortion. It's not that I don't want to have one but I'm not ready. I'm not ready to feel excitement when It can be taken away. I know you won't do that, your not like Jin who purposely injured me and the baby so it could be aborted. I was just 16 but I was ready to have that baby in my arms and raise it by myself or with someone who would love us both. Please don't hate me I would one day give  you what you want but please don't leave me I love you too much. I need some time, please give it to me. I hope I could tell you this but I'm too scared" she said as she started have another breakdown

I knocked and the sobbing stoped so I entered and saw her laying on bed hugging the blanket

"Miyeon" I said as I walked up to her. I know she was faking it so I followed

I went up to her and shook her a little

"Mmm" she responded

"Did you take the pill" I said

She nodded

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I really want to have a kid with you and only you. Please forgive me. If you want we can talk about it first in the future. The excitement of having a little me in your stomach makes me so happy. Just having them running around yes I said them I want to have many with you. But I would wait as long as you want me too. But just know that I won't walk away unless you ask me too" as I finished saying that she sat up

I was about to add on but she cut me off

"Are you sure you want to wait, what about if I never want to have one huh? Would you stay or would you find someone else who would love to have one. " she said as she was kind of raising her voice it broke me apart a little. Tears were forming

"If you never want to have one then I would adopt but I would never want one with anyone else. I want a little girl to resemble your beauty no one else's you know why? Because I love you, you fought your way to my messed up life. There is something you don't know about me Miyeon and it's best for you to not know. The true reason why I never looked for relationships ever again. But one day I would end up telling you." I said as I got up

She looked at me confused

Fuck it

"I killed her"


What did Minnie mean by that. What is she hiding. What is her true past??????

( thank you for the views and votes. I will start to update more since I have a pretty good Idea now. Remember something bad happens at the end. Oooooo spooookkky)

(What I ment by her true past is that there is something missing)

Now bye 👋

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