Chapter 1: "The Other Girl" -Short Chapter-

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"Momma i'm leavin' now." Cay'mon said as he left for school to walk passenger seat of his girlfriends car. "Hey babe. You ready to go?" she said. "Yea i'm ready." Cay'mon said softly. Just then they drive off.

When Cay'mon and his girlfriend, Rayonna got to school, Rayonnas best friend Kaycee was outside of the school waiting for her.

"Hey girl!" Kaycee said.

"Hey Cay'mon..." she said again in a charming voice.

Kaycee had long dark brown hair and caramel skin. Her voice was soft and gentel and so was her touch. Her smile was as bright as the sun. She was tall but thick! Her eyes were a beautiful dark brown. And her personallity was rare and delicate.

"Hey Kaycee..." Rayonna said

"Hey...uhm Kaycee..." Cay'mon said nervously. There was a secret that Cay'mon was holding out on from Rayonna. Deep down inside Cay'mon was his true feelings for Kaycee. He loved Rayonna, but he loved Kaycee even more.

There was something different about Kaycee that really attracted Cay'mon to her. He didn't know what it was but he'll soon find out.

The bell rang for class and Cay'mon and Rayonna went their seperate ways until 5th period.

"See ya later babe" Rayonna said.

"Uhh...yea... See ya later." Cay'mon said again softly.

Their new teacher Mrs. Kail was there to teach the students about History. And just as she was gettin ready to start her lesson, the principal, Mr. Waillington, spoke on the intercom.

"Good Morning students. As you all know and seen, we are having our annual homecoming dance this week. I suggest you all get out your best tuxes and dresses or gowns and get ready for the best homecoming of your lives! Thank you and good day."

"Well I cant wait to go to homecomimg. I personally had my dress hand made by the best fashion designers in the world." Chasidy said.

That was the popular girl in school, Chasidy. Chasidy had it all including the friendship of Rayonna. She and Rayonna are inseperable.

"So Cay'mon, what are you wearing to the homcoming dance? I would ask who you were taking but thats pretty obvious." Chasidy said.

"Uh... Im not quite sure what i'm wearing but who said I was taking Rayonna to the dance?" Cay'mon said.

Chasidy looked at Cay'mon as if she had seen a ghost. Then she said.

"What do you mean? Your taking Rayonna to the dance right? I...I...mean it just wouldn't be right if you didn't take Rayonna to the homecoming dance."

Chasidy paused and continued.

"You're going to take her to the dance Cay'mon no acceptions!"

Cay'mon looked disappointed. He really didn't want to take Rayonna to the dance. He wanted to take Kaycee instead. But Cay'mon knew that if he didn't take Rayonna to the dance, not only would he look bad but Rayonna would make his life miserable.

Cay'mon then turned to Kaycee and smiled. Kaycee saw him and smiled back. Chasidy was suspicious. She turned to her friend April and asked,

"You don't think Cay'mon and Kaycee have something going in do you?"

"What! No way." April said. "She's so plain and she's most definatly not a cheerleader or volleyball player. What could Cay'mon possibly see in her besides the fact that she's gorgeous!" April continued.

"Yea...Uh thanks April." Chasidy was feeling devious.

"And I dont know but I'm going to find out what's going on between the two of them.

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