Chapter 4

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"God, that food is just the best I ever had. Babe, I think I'm pregnant." Niall says as the friends are sitting down in front of the stage, sipping on margarita's. The cabaret show will be here and the three of them are sitting in the frontline. "I don't want to raise little Niall fajita's. Get the morning after pill."  Shirley plays along. God, how can Harry be friends with them? Niall and Shirley are having a conversation while Harry is looking around. His eyes stop when he sees the small boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He is sitting with two girls around their age, laughing and joking. One of the girls plays with her hair, trying to make eye contact with him. Harry's jaw clenches. He doesn't know why, it just happens. When he finally stops talking to the two girls, he goes over to an elderly couple, starting a conversation with them. Harry feels relief washing over him and when Tommo is not moving, staying with the two old people, Harry feels like his eyes can leave the boy, focussing on what his two best friends are doing.

"Aren't those kids cute?" Shirley asks as she points at a bunch of kids dancing in front of El on the stage. Harry wants to answer it is indeed cute when he sees a blue eyed boy going up on the stage, dancing along with the kids. He is doing funny movements and all the children are giggling. A smile creeps on Harry's face as he is watching Tommo. He is probably the biggest kid on the stage. "Wow, smiling at Tommo? That's new Haz. Thought he broke your little avocado heart." "Shut up, Niall. I'm not smiling at Tommo. The kids are just cute." Harry lies. "Sometimes you act really gay, Haz. Not that I mind, you can be whoever you want to be and love whoever you want to love." Shirley says and it pisses Harry off, a lot. "I'm coming out of a 5-year long relationship with a gorgeous girl. I don't think I'm gay, Shirley thank you. Why are you talking shit." "Chill, Haz. It's not like gay is an insult. Calm down. Drink some more margarita's." And that's exactly what Harry does.

One hour and 8 margarita's later Harry is watching the show. It's a dancing show, performed by the entertainment team. Dani is dancing with Tommo and Lee is dancing with Kennie. They are dancing the Tango of Roxanne, from the musical Mouling Rouge.

Kennie is wearing a tight black dress. The dress shows off her beautiful body and her make-up is done perfectly. She is the dream of every man.

Lee is holding her. His weird, blond hair isn't covered by a headband but pulled back with gel. A lot of gel. Harry doesn't really pay attention to him.

On the right of them, there are Dani and Tommo.

Dani is wearing the same dress as Kennie, but in red. Also her make-up is perfection and she has a beautiful rose in her dark hair.

Than we have the last dancer on the stage. Tommo is wearing a red blouse, all the buttons are open except for the lowest two and he wears a black dress pants. Harry can see his chest that is covered with tattoos and he can't take his eyes of the boy. He is gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. In a platonic way of course. Who is Harry kidding? Shirley is right. Sometimes he is really gay. But when Harry is drunk he doesn't really care what he is. He just wants to watch the beautiful boy dance while sipping on his margarita.

"You did great, mate!" Niall  compliments Tommo after the show. "You were really good, showing off and stuff. I liked it." Harry giggles. He giggles. A 21 year old giggles. He doesn't care. Harry is in a happy place after... must be 15 margarita's by now. Tommo raises his eyebrow, not knowing how to react on the compliment of the longhaired curly boy. "Wow thank you, Harry." Tommo looks at the cocktail in his hand. "So, I see you like the margarita's?" he jokes. "They are amazing Tommo. Here, taste!" Harry hands him his glass. Tommo looks around if there are none of his bosses around and quickly takes a sip. "Thanks! Hey, guys. I'm going to my room very quick to take a shower and change but I'll see you in reception. Give me like 40 minutes, alright?" The group of friends agree and they walk towards reception, waiting for the entertainer.

50 minutes later Tommo arrives with Dani, Payno and the DJ. The two girls Tommo was talking to earlier, are there as well, and a younger couple Dani was talking a lot to today.  Harry doesn't like it... at all. "Okay, guys. Are you ready to go out? I called three taxis. Dani and Payno will be in one, Zayn in the other and I'm in the last one. Like this we are sure nothing happens and there is always one of us with you." The group nods and not even five minutes later three taxi's come driving towards the group.

Tommo jumps in the front of the last taxi and immediately those two girls follow him, jumping in the back. Harry just rolls his eyes and then follows his two friends who are following Zayn into a taxi. Dani, Payno and the couple are in the first one.

"So, is it your first time in Spain?" Zayn tries to start a conversation. "Not in Spain but it is the first time on this island. We are very excited." Shirley answers. "Oh, that's good. How long will you be staying here?" "2 months." Niall says. Harry is not really into the conversation. He is pissed that those girls just jumped in the taxi where Tommo is. He really wants to be in that taxi as well. "2 months? That's the whole summer! That's awesome. Tommo will be happy to hear that. He is really fond of you guys." Zayn looks into the mirror of the taxi driver straight into Harry's eyes and winks. Harry's attention is back by hearing that name. He doesn't know why he suddenly is  this interested in the tattooed guy, but he does know 15 margarita's do many weird things with his brain. "He is such a cool lad, isn't he babe?" The Irish boy asks his girlfriend. "He sure is. We played volleyball with him today. It was a lot of fun. He is fun to be around." Zayn nods, still holding Harry's gaze as he smirks. "He sure is..."

The club is not too crowdy, the music is nice and the lights are amazing. "Let's get some drinks, baby!" Dani shouts. The group follows her towards the bar and Harry orders a vodka-redbull. "Darling, I don't think that's the greatest idea after the margarita's you drank in the hotel." Tommo says after Harry ordered. "I thought you were an entertainer, not my mother." The curly boy snaps in a playful way. Tommo shakes his head fondly and leaves Harry and his drink. Harry doesn't think about and downs his drink. He is here to party.

Harry doesn't know on which planet he currently is. His head is light and for once he doesn't think about his stupid, perfect ex. His hips are moving on the rhythm of the music and a smile decorates his face. "Haz, Payno called 2 taxi's that bring us back to the hotel. Are you coming?" Niall takes his best friends hand but Harry shakes his head. "No, Ni! Come on, I 'm happy. I want to stay." Niall shakes his head. "Sorry, Haz. It's 3 o'clock and we can't leave you alone. You don't know the place and you are drunk as fuck." "And you, Niall Horan, are boring as fuck." Harry giggles, pointing his finger on Niall's chest. The fake blond wants to answer, but Tommo interrupts. "It's fine, mate. I'll bring him back safely. I was planning on staying a bit for a while as well, so is Zayn. You go back with Payno, Dani and the others." Niall nods, pets Tommo on the shoulder and thanks him.

Half an hour later Zayn and Harry go to the toilets together. This time, eventhough he is drunk, Harry managed to pee inside the toilet.  When they come back the two of them go to a group of girls. Apparently they are entertainers working in the sister hotel of theirs. Harry, being a little less drunk after Tommo gave him water, enjoys the conversation with the pretty girls until he sees something. On the dancefloor, there is Tommo. His arms are around the neck of a beautiful boy. They are grinding against each other and are in a heated kiss. Harry can't stop looking and he tries to control his breathing. It's turning him on, a lot. He knows it shouldn't, but it does. Probably still the alcohol in his system. "Harry, are you okay?" Zayn asks. Harry doesn't answer and Zayn follows his gaze, ending on his best friend and the boy. "That's Stan with Tommo. Don't worry, they are just fuck buddies. They're together when none of them found a nice catch that night." Harry only nods, not knowing what to answer. He doesn't know why Zayn explains it to him. It's Tommo's life and Harry doesn't really care. Really not.

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