Chapter 8

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Harry and Louis have been closer then ever the last few day and it looks like the boys have been best friends since birth. People would never guess they know each other for a rough two weeks. "Harry, stop!" Louis giggles as Harry walks towards the pool carrying Louis bridal style. "I don't think I will." A huge grin is showing on the taller boys face and the people around the pool are watching the two boys amused. It's not the first time they are witnessing something like this. "Bye, Lou." Harry whispers in the boys ear. He lets go of the boy and the smaller one falls into the water with a big splash. The people around the pool are laughing, including some of the entertainment team. "4-2 in advantage of Harry Styles. Tommo, mate step up your game." Zayn says laughing through the microphone, keeping score of the amount of times the two boys throw each other in the pool. "Not fair!" Louis screams loud. "Hey, it's not my fault you are such a small bean." Harry grins. "Oh give me a break! I'm big!" Louis protests. "You are not, Tommo! I'm even taller then you!" One of the teenagers that is playing waterpolo with Dani in the pool says. "You, my friend... Are no longer my friend!" Louis fake pouts which makes all the teenagers laugh. "Oh, you all think this is funny, eh? Well, after tomorrow when I'm leading teenage club we are going to play cards and not do any pool games." Louis gives the teenagers an evil smirk and they all start to wine. "Tommo, be nice to my kiddo's! Go out of the pool, dry yourself and prepare your activity." Dani smiles. "Whatever, I'll get you all back, siding with him." Louis says with a fake disgusted voice pointing towards Harry. "Again, not my mistake Tommo." Harry smirks, using Louis entertainers name. Louis pushes himself out the pool and walks towards Harry. He comes closer to the tall boy, giving him a wet hug. "AAAH!" Harry shrieks, reacting on the cold water touching his burning skin. "This isn't over, big boy." Louis whispers in Harry's ear, touching the shell with his tongue making Harry shiver. Harry is speechless, looking shocked at the boy in front of him. They have been really close the last week but it's the first time since the club Louis made a kind of flirty move on him.

It's 9:30 which means it's time for the evening entertainment. As usual Harry, Shirley and Niall sit in the front. Louis never said something about what's going on tonight, but he promised Harry he would love it.

El is holding the microphone, ready to explain the game of tonight. "Tonight we are playing a little game.." El starts to explain. "Here next to me I have four entertainers: Tommo, Dani, Kennie and Payno. Each of them are picking someone out of the audience. This person will be their partner for the crazy games. The team that wins the games, gets a price!" The audience is enthusiastic, and so is Harry. It looks like fun. He makes eye contact with Louis and the small boy gives him a wink. Harry feels himself blushing and looks at the floor. "Okay, entertainers. Go get your partner in 3,2,1 GO!" El screams. The four people jump of the stage and run around. Harry smiles when he sees Louis running towards him. "Come on, Harry!" Harry is in shock when he hears a girly voice. He feels a pressure around his wrist and when he looks up it's Kennie dragging him towards the stage. Harry tries to make eye contact with Louis again so he can mouth he is sorry and really wants to do it with him but his blood starts boiling when he sees Louis' partner. Louis takes the hand of Katie, the blond girl. And although it's her last night in the hotel and Louis has given Harry a lot more attention then her the last days, it is driving him mad.

"Okay, the first game is easy. Each team has 10 balloons. You have to make them pop together, WITHOUT using your hands our feet! The team that finishes first has 40 points, second 30 and so on! Are you ready guys? DJ MUSIC!" El screams and Zayn is playing a Katy Perry song. "COME ON HAZ, YOU GOT THIS!" Harry hears his best friend screaming from the audience. Kennie takes a balloon and places it in front of her boobs. "Now, hug me thightly, like this they will pop." She smiles. Harry does as she says, not being bothered to answer. He feels bad he is not with Louis, but when he looks over to him he sees Louis doesn't really seem to mind. Katie and him are popping balloon after balloon without any difficulties and they are laughing very loud. "WE WON!" Tommo screams enthusiastic, showing the empty bag where the balloons were stocked. "Come on, Harry. We can have second place." Kennie says encouraging the curly boy. If Louis has no problem competing against Harry, Harry shouldn't have a problem either. Kennie and Harry got third place that game because Harry's lack of attention in the beginning. But now Harry is motivated.

The second game was a kind of musical chairs. When the music stopped, the people had to run to the bar and take a shot, when they got back they had to look for an object El said. If they had the object they were allowed to take place on a chair. For some weird reason Harry killed this game and won this round for his team.

Now we are 5 rounds later and El is counting the score. "Well, 4th place we have Payno and Bert! Give a round of applause for them!" The people are clapping their hands and when the clapping slows down, El announces the third place being Dani and Camilla. "And the first place... Oh ladies and gentlemen we have a tie! Okay, for those two teams we have an additional challenge to see who's the winner." El says through the microphone, an evil grin on her face. "What do you have in your evil mind, El?" Louis says looking cautious. "Both teams have to lipsynch a duet. They will get 5 minutes time to prepare and the winner will be chosen by you guys!" El says pointing to the audience. "The team that got cheered on the most by the end of the performances, wins."

As promised, five minutes later both teams are on the stage. "Okay, we start with Tommo and Katie! They are going to do..." Tommo whispers something in her ear. "Oh, Summernights from the movie Grease!"

The duo started to lipsynch and Louis was hilarious. It was clear he knows every single word and his movements just come straight out of the movie. Harry is looking at John Travolta himself, he is sure. Katie is the exact opposite. She doesn't know the words and just tries to be really pretty. Harry rolls his eyes. He can't wait for that bitch to be on the airplane.

"That was really good! Now we have Kennie and Harry and they are doing..." Kennie takes El's microphone and announces herself the song. "Barbie girl!"

Harry and Kennie are hilarious together. They just make crazy movements and they are fake flirting with each other. It's hilarious and Harry actually has a lot of fun doing it. He is not scared of the stage so he totally owns it, Kennie owning it with him. He doesn't pay attention to the blue eyed guy sending daggers at the pair.

Kennie jumps into Harry's arms as they hear they won the game. "I knew we could do it!" Kennie kisses Harry's cheek and Harry just smiles. A kiss from Kennie doesn't even have half of the effect only a stare of Louis has.

"Congratulations, guys. Harry, here is your price." El hands an enveloppe to Harry and he opens it. "Now, tell us what's inside!" Kennie says. Harry has a smile on his face. "It's a boattrip for 2 people."

"Hey, great game. It was really fun." Harry walks up to Louis. "Of course you'd say that." The shorter boy mumbles under his breath. "What?" Harry asks. "Nothing. It was a good game." Louis smiled at Harry, but the curly boy could clearly see the fakeness. "I did wish I was with you, though." Harry says softly. A small smile appears on Louis' face and immediately he forgets he was pissed at Harry for being with Kendall and not him. "Yeah, me too Haz. In two weeks we will do it again. Be my partner then?" Louis asks. Harry nods. "Yes please." Louis wants to leave Harry to help his collegues clean up. "Lou?" He hears a deep voice saying. "Yes?" Louis turns around looking at those gorgeous green eyes. "Well being your day off tomorrow... do you maybe euhm... want to.... like go on that boattrip with me?" Harry is really nervous, biting his lip as he is waiting for an answer from the small guy. "I'll pick you up at your room at 8:30 so we can have breakfast together." With these words the entertainer walks to his collegues to clean up and Harry can't wipe the smile off his face. He is going to spend a whole day alone with Louis in the middle of the atlantic ocean.

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