Chapter 13

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Tonight is karaoke night and Harry couldn't be more excited. He did study music for a reason and Harry is a great singer. He hopes to impress Louis. "What are you going to sing, Hazza?" Louis asks, holding pen and paper. "I don't know yet. Give me a minute to think?" The curly lad asks. Louis smiles and nods, handing the pen and paper to the younger boy. "Just call me over. I have to ask other people as well. Nialler, Shirlz I hope you guys are singing as well yeah?" Louis turns his attention to Harry's friends. "After a few beers I might, Tommo." The Irish lad says before taking another gulp of his pint. "That's what I like to hear. Shirley?" The girl shakes her head. "I prefer watching those idiots. Are you singing?" she asks the entertainer. Tommo has a little smile. "Maybe, I don't know yet." "You should do a duet with Harry, here!" Niall says petting his best friend on the back. "Maybe." Louis winks at Harry and then goes to the next table, asking them the same question. Harry bites his lip looking at the entertainer. "You are so whipped." Shirley says under her breath. Harry ignores her. She is right. He is whipped, big time.

A few people already sang. Kennie is sitting with Harry, Niall and Shirley. Normally Harry doesn't mind and likes her presence, but he knows it annoys Louis. Louis hasn't come even near their table since the girl is joining them and he prefers Louis' attention. He looks at the blue eyed guy who is sitting next to Zayn. He is making big gestures with his arms and Zayn only shakes his head. Louis looks up, meeting Harry's eyes. For a second Harry thinks he gets a smile from the smaller boy but then he sees Kennie and Louis turns his head again. Harry is annoyed. Louis doesn't have a reason to act like this.

"Next up is... Harry Styles!" Harry walks up to the stage. "GO HARRY!" Some teens scream from the audience and Harry can't hide a smile. He takes the microphone from Zayn and quickly looks at Louis. He gives him a small smile that doesn't meet his eyes. Harry gives him a small one back before he walks to the middle of the stage. El looks at the small paper. "Harry is going to sing Look after you by The Fray."

Louis looks up, remembering he mentioned to Harry that The Fray is his favourite band and he absolutely adores that song. The music starts to play and Louis can't take his eyes off Harry. Harry glances shortly towards Louis during the song, mainly when he sings 'be my baby' and 'I'll look after you' and Louis bites his lip. His feelings are all over the place and he doesn't know how to act. "I swear to god, Tomlinson if you are still going to doubt he likes you I'm going to hit you." Zayn says during the song. "Shut up, Malik. Harry is singing." Louis leans his head on the palm of his hand while watching the curly boy sing. His voice is amazing and Louis could listen to it all day. "Lou, you are drooling and staring." Zayn says. Louis ignores his best friend. He just wants to look and listen to the angel in front of him.

The song is over and the audience is going wild. Louis thinks he hears Niall screaming and a few of his teenagers but also other people that are not connected to the curly boy. Harry walks towards Zayn, giving him back the microphone but the audience screams loud: "ANOTHER SONG, HARRY!"

Harry feels unsure. He doesn't want to make a show out of karaoke night. Louis jumps on the stage next to him, swinging his arm over Harry's shoulder. He takes the other microphone from El and starts to talk. "You guys think he should sing another song?" The blue eyed lad asks. The audience goes wild. "I agree." Louis says with a smirk, looking at Harry. Harry looks back at Louis, evil smirk appearing on his face. "I'll do another song but only a duet with Tommo!" "YES HARRY AND TOMMO DO A DUET OMG!" Lola screams from the audience. Both boys laugh and Lola winks at Harry, knowing he has a thing for the boy next to him. "I'm honoured THE Harry Styles want to sing a song with me." Louis jokes, poking the taller boy jokingly. "Stop flirting and sing!" Niall screams, standing up with a beer in his hand. Harry wants to die right now. He is so embarrassed. When he looks next to him he sees Louis blushing. It's too cute.

"Which song should they sing?" Zayn asks screaming from the DJ booth. A lot of noise is coming from the public as people say random songs. When the crowd is silent, there is one voice screaming: "That one song from The Greatest Showman! You know, with Zac Efron and Zendaya!" Harry looks at Louis, his eyes asking him for permission. Louis smiles and nods. "Rewrite the stars? I like that song. That's fine!"

Harry starts to sing, his voice being a lot lower then Louis' and matching Zac's tone. The audience is quite and Harry doesn't even need to look at the screen. He knows the words by heart. His eyes are on the public, but catches Louis' eyes also a lot.

Harry just finished his solo parts and it's up to Louis to sing. Harry never really heard him sing, only one phrase on the beach. His heart is going crazy as Louis' raspy and high voice sounds through the microphone. It's like an angel that's singing and Harry almost forgets to sing himself, listening to that godly voice.

It's the part of the song where both voices collide and automatically the boys turn to each other. "All I want is to fly with you, all I want is to fall with you. So just give me all of you." Blue meets green and it's like fireworks are going off. Their voices are perfect together and the chemistry between the two is undeniable.

The song is over and both boys are blushing like crazy. They get a standing ovation and there is even one person screaming "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD SING, TOMMO!" Must have been one of the teenagers.

After Louis and Harry gave back their microphones, Louis follows Harry back to his seat. He doesn't even care Kennie is still sitting there. He wants to be with Harry after that moment they just shared. When he looks around he sees there are no free chairs so he decides to sit on Harry's lap.  As a reflex Harry places his arms around Louis' waste and leans his head on the small shoulder in front of him. Louis feels butterflies and he loves the feeling that the younger boy is giving him. "Tommo, if there isn't a chair that means there is no space for you." Kennie snaps. "Obviously he has a place, Ken. I don't mind him sitting here." Harry says feeling the need to defend Louis. Louis gives him a smile and then gives Kennie the bitch face. "Of course you don't mind." Niall says under his breath. Luckily Kennie didn't hear it as she is sitting opposite of the Irish lad. Harry heard it and he is quite sure Louis did as well as he felt the boy tense on his lap.

Kennie left after a while, not feeling included. Harry didn't give the girl any attention. He was only focused on the smaller boy on his lap. Even after she left, Louis didn't move to the chair. He stayed on Harry's lap and Harry loves being so close to the boy.

"Do you want to hang out after I helped the others clean up?" Louis whispers in Harry's ear, not wanting to disturb the conversation Shirley and Niall have going on. Harry nods, showing him his with teeth "Yes, what do you have in mind?"  Louis looks at his fingers when talking. "It may sound really stupid but do you maybe want to have a song writing session together?" The smaller boy is scared for the taller one's reaction. "I'd like that. Do you want to do it in my room?" Louis looks up and nods.  He looks really happy. "Yes, I'd love to. I should help the others now. I have my guitar in my room, I'll bring it. See you in an hour?" The entertainer asks. Harry smiles. "See you in an hour, Lou."

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