Chapter 9) Shopping Spree and Clubbing

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Akela's POV, same day.
After the kiss, I turned to Sharla. "Sharla, you will live in the packhouse for two weeks. You will not see or speak to Todd. This is in your best interests for now," I speak out. She looked shocked, "What? No! I love him. I don't want to be away from him! He'll be so mad and worried," she said as she chewed on her lip.
   I sat down across from her, and said, "I'm sorry. I know you love him, and I know it is so hard to break away. But I've been there before and he won't change. They never do. But give it two weeks, and I guarantee you will not want to see him again. After you live having to not walk on egg shells, it changes your life. You'll feel free again, and you will find the person you were before marrying him. And you will be mad. Scorching mad at him and yourself. You'll be so angry that you put up with a man beating you. And you may even find you are no longer in love with him. Just give it two weeks."
   She weakly nodded and I helped her stand up. "I need to leave a note," she said. I nodded. She slipped into her house and grabbed a notepad and pen. She quickly scribbled, 'Todd, I have left you. I will return in two weeks and decide if I want to stay married or not." Apollo's beta escorted her into the packhouse, while Apollo escorted me  to the infirmary.
   Because he was the Alpha King, we were seen quickly. "Hi! I'm Dr. Kimble. How can I help you today?" A woman with a blonde bob asked Apollo. "I was hit in the face with a whip," I told her. She finally looked at me. She looked shocked and nodded. "Who did this?" She asked still in shock. Dr. Kimble eyed Apollo. "It wasn't him. It was Todd Dempsey. And he's already paid for it," I tell her as she nods. She focuses on a hair that is longer than the others on my shoulder. She pulled it out. "Hey," I said. She looks sheepish as she says, "Sorry, thought it was a loose hair."
   "Ok, we'll have her patched up quickly," she says to Apollo again. She leaves out briefly. "Why does she keep doing that? And she pulled out a stray hair. That's weird," I tell him. He shrugs innocently before saying, "I don't know." She walks back in with antiseptic and gauze. "Is she going to be ok?" Apollo asks the doctor as he walks up to my side.
   The doctor laughs and strokes his arm while murmuring, "Of course." I let out a ferocious growl and she backs away. "Don't touch my mate," I spit at her. "Oh y'all are mates!" She says enthusiastically. She y turns to Apollo. "So when is the ball?" She tasks as she bats her lashes. I've had enough. I jumped off the exam table and grabbed her by the throat and put her to the wall. "Get me another doctor," I growl at her.
   I let her go and she runs out crying like a school girl. "Pfft," I scoff. "What?" Apollo asks. "For an old woman, she acts like a high school drama queen," I tell him.
   After an hour, a man named Dr. Thussias enters. "I'm so sorry for the wait. We've been backed up today. We're also short handed," he said. That's weird. "But I have been seen. Dr. Kimble came in. But she mostly just flirted with my mate," I tell him. "She? We don't have any female doctors here, nor anyone with the last or first name Kimble?" He says confused. Apollo and I looked at each other. Dr. Thussias assessed my wound and put antiseptic on it. He told me by nightfall, it'll be healed. Hallelujah! Because I'm going clubbing tonight.
   We finally get to leave. "That's weird, huh? So who was that woman?" I ask him. Apollo has been quiet ever since Dr. Thussias revealed there was no Dr. Kimble or anyone that worked there with a blonde bob. "Definitely. But I have a bad feeling about it," he spoke out.
   We were in the parking, lot heading to the car when we heard a voice from behind us. "One, two, the MadMan's coming for you," it sang. We turned around and there was Dr. Kimble. Apollo jumped in front of me to shield me. She let out an unearthly scream as she ran toward us. But the closer she got, the more translucent she got, like a ghost. Until finally she disappeared. Apollo and I were holding onto each other. Neither of us screamed but I'd be lying if I said we were not shaking.
   We quickly ran to the truck that he drove here. In five minutes, we were back at the packhouse. Apollo lead me to the conference room. It was just us there. "Listen, you're now on the council, but some of the men are going to be mad about it. Let me deal with it, ok?" He asks. I nodded and sat. He mind linked the rest of the council members.
   Soon they were all filing in and finding a seat. I knew Beta Michael would be in here. And soon, he entered and found a seat beside me. "Hi! About time a woman is on the council!" He says excitedly. At least some people liked change.
The rest of the members were looking at me with different emotions: boredom, shock, sadness, wonder, disdain. "Why is she on the council?" Someone asked. "Because I wanted her to be, Gamma Fredrick. Do you have a problem with that?" Apollo answered. Gamma Fredrick shook his head but anyone could tell that he didn't mean it. I just rolled my eyes.
"The reason we are here is because of someone named Dr. Kimble. Anyone ever heard of her?" He began. Everyone looked around at each other and shook their heads. "Today, I took Akela to the infirmary to get her wound looked at. While we were there, a woman with a blonde bob assessed Akela. She said her name was Dr. Kimble. She kept flirting with me and provoking Akela. She finally left out and Dr. Thissias came in. He said there was no Dr. Kimble. Well, on the way out, we came across her again. She said some rhyme and came at us. But the closer she got, she kept disappearing until finally she had vanished in thin air. I think she is a threat not only to me but Akela, your queen,"Apollo briefed everyone. They looked shocked at his words. Except for one. "Sounds like a witch," Fredrick spoke up. "My sister has a friend who is a witch. I'm going to call her to come to the packhouse," he said before walking out.
30 minutes later, Fredrick walked in with a brunette on his arm. She has a shorter height and sky blue eyes. She gave a small wave before speaking, "Hi, I'm Amy. Fredrick's half sister. Most of you already know me," she said. Fredrick pulled up a seat for her and she sat in it.
   "What do you know about witches?" Apollo asked her. She cleared her throat. "My friend is a witch. She can site spells for about anything, she can vanish into thin air, and probably just about anything. Oh! They can also fly. But when they vanish, they don't go translucent. It sounds like someone is controlling her. When they go translucent, it's because someone is calling them to come to them. So more than likely she's working with someone. My brother briefed me," she said. Apollo nodded. "Who is this friend of yours and what does she look like?" Apollo asked. "She has long black hair and brown eyes. She's tall," she said.
   "Ok, well I have to go. We will reconvene when I get back," Apollo told them. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Shopping. We still haven't went and it's lunch already," he tells me. We get back in the truck and head into town. We stop on a strip in town with multiple stores. I jump out. "This card has $10,000. Get whatever you need but don't buy excessively," he tells me. I nod.
   I go into the first store. It's a lingerie store. Apollo sits on the bench outside. I peruse through the racks. I liked the lace panties. They were cute. I grab a shopping tote and start putting underwear and bras in it. I bought 14 pairs of panties and matching bras. I also bought a cute pair of lingerie and a sheer see through black robe. I then head to the next store.
    I quickly buy 9 long sleeve shirts and eight short sleeves for summer. I got three pairs of shorts, and four pair of  jeans, and one dress. I also got one pair of tennis shoes, and one pair of heels. I quickly grab some socks before checking out.
   "Want to get something to eat, like a date?" He asks. I smiled sheepishly and nod. "I know this great diner. They have really good food," he tells me.
   He brought me to a cute diner. "What would you like?" A waitress asked. She looked like she hated her job. "Yes, I'd like a cheeseburger with everything, french fries, and  a vanilla shake," I tell her. "Ohh that sounds good! I'll have the same," Apollo told her.
   "You didn't really buy much," Apollo said to me. "I don't need a lot," I tell him. "Are you happy here?" He asks me. I smile and nod. "I am. I like it here. I think of it as my new home," I tell him. "I like that you are happy here. I worry that you miss Alpha Kodiak's pack. But may I ask you a question?" He asks. I nod, wondering what's on his brain. "Are you really going to give up two of your powers?" He asks.       
   I smile, "Yes, I will. Alpha Kody is my friend and I'll do it for him." He looks torn. "But why?" He asks. "Because, if I can bring his wife and child back, then I can bring my parents back," I tell him. He looks concerned knowing that I plan to give up all my four of my powers but nods. "I'm sorry. I didn't know they passed," he quickly murmurs lowering his head. By the time the conversation dulled, the waitress was back.
   "Here's your food. Two cheeseburgers with fries and two vanilla shakes," she said as she sat the food down in front of us. I picked up my burger and bit in. I groaned in happiness. "You don't know long it's been since I've had a cheeseburger, or fries! Or even a shake," I say laughing. He laughs too. "Food does change lives," he says laughing, while dipping his fry in ketchup.
                            1 hour later
   We were now home. Apollo was back in the conference room. I told him to fill me in if there is any other information. I went to find Sharla.
   I knocked on the door and waited. She finally opened it. "Sorry, I was asleep," she said. "How are you doing?" I asked her. "I don't know. You probably think I'm stupid for putting up with him for so long, but I love him. But I admit, it's nice not to have to worry when my next beating will happen," she informs me. I nod. "I understand," I tell her. I gave her a comforting hug before going to find the beta. He was in the living room.
   "Beta," I yell as I catch him. He turns to me. "I need fence posts, electrical wire. I want to build an electric fence. I may need T Clips as well. Can you help me?" I ask. He smiles and spoke, "Of course, that's what I'm here for!" I beamed a wide smile and started to skip along.
   It took 5 long grating hours to set up everything. But we got it done! I raised my arm and swatted it across my forehead and wiped my sweat off. I was exhausted. I high fived the Beta. I quickly got home, and ran into Apollo.
   He catches me firmly in his grasp. "Where've you been?" He asks curiously. "I've put up an electrical fence around fifteen acres to make a garden," I tell him. His eyes widened and he uttered, "Wow, that's a lot of work." I nod while laughing. "It was, and I'm dirty. I'm gonna go grab a shower," I tell him. We hug and I go to my room. It's nice knowing I made some headway with him. My bags are on the bed. I start going through them, and putting away my new clothes. I hang the sequin dress in the closet. I'd be wearing it tonight to the club along with my new heels!
   At dinner, I quickly scarfed down my shrimp alfredo. I told Apollo I wasn't feeling good and needed to lie down. He laid down with me and soon fell asleep. I had already wrote a note in case he woke up while I was gone. I placed the note on my pillow. It told my location and for him not to worry.
   I quickly put on my new dress and heels, a little makeup and curled my hair. I was looking like a snack.
   I tip toed down the stairs and made it out of the house. I made my way to the gate. Hopefully, I wouldn't get caught.
   I finally made it to the gate. Lindsay Gordon was also there. She tried to run in her high heels to me to hug me. The sight was hilarious.
   "Ok, the car is right outside of the gate. Sorry, it's an older one," she told me apologetically. She showed me the way. I almost died when we had to climb over the gate in heels.
   We finally reached the car. I gasped at it. "Whose car is this?" I ask in excitement. "Mine. Unfortunately, I have to drive that. My parents got it for my sixteenth birthday party. I was like gross," she tells me. "Well if I ever get money, I'll buy it from you. A Chevrolet Chevelle super sport is my dream car. Besides a GTO," I tell her slyly while eyeing the car.
   She threw me the car keys. "Know how to drive?" She asks. I laugh, "Not really, but I'll learn," I tell her. The drive was funny. The car would go, then stop, then we'd lurch forward too fast. We were laughing our tails off. Driving wasn't too hard. She gave me a fake driver license that said I was 21. The picture looked nothing like me. We were so going to be busted.
    We finally made it to the club. It was called, 'Brick By Brick.' We showed our fake I.D.'s. The bouncer stared me in the eyes. "Ok," he said stamping my hand. The stamp was of a lady drinking a beer. "That's how they tell if you can drink, by the stamp," she says while she gets her stamp.
We walked into the club and it was crazy! There was alcohol in test tubes waiting to be drunken, there were cages you could dance in, and a crazy lit up dance floor, and a live dj. "This is crazy!" I yelled in excitement. I had to yell because the music was so loud! But it was a fun environment. I had never been to somewhere like this.
Lindsay drug me to a table where someone was sitting. The woman had shoulder length blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. The woman at the table looked at me and rolled her eyes. What was that about? Oh! She was the blonde in his lap.
"Hi," she said wrapping her arm around the blonde. "Monique Maddox, this is Akela. Akela, this is Monique," Lindsay introduced us. "Hi," I said holding out my hand. She turned away and went back to the table. Lindsay just rolled her eyes at her playfully.
We sat at the table and talked for awhile. Well Monique and Lindsay talked and me and Lindsay talked but Monique and I didn't really talk.
"I'm going to dance," I tell them getting up. I walked to the center of the floor and started dancing to the pop music. Eventually, they followed suit and started dancing with me.
                                    Apollo's POV
   I rolled over in bed to snuggle Akela. But when I rolled over, she wasn't there. I went to the bathroom and she wasn't there either. It was 12 am. Where could she be? I started searching the whole packhouse but couldn't find her. Who could she be with and why? Who had she made friends with recently. Oh gosh, Lindsay Gordon. That girl was constantly in trouble or sneaking out somewhere. I quickly got my mobile out and called Lindsay's number.
   "Hello?" She answered. It was hard to hear her. The music was so loud. "Where are you?" I asked angrily.  "Brick by Brick! I'm with Monique and Akela," she answered. "Keep an eye on Akela, I'll be there soon," I tell her.
   I jump in my truck and race out. Why would they go out in a dangerous time. There's a witch and some MadMan after us. Akela seemed so responsible, guess I was wrong.
                                   Akela's POV
   This night had been so fun. We had been dancing and chatting. I didn't really drink. I had only one lemon drop and stopped after that. I wanted to be clear headed to make sure we got home safely.
   "I have to go pee. I'll be right back," I tell them. "Yeah, I'm gonna make my way to the bar. Be right back," Monique says. I make my way to the bathroom. I head into a stall and urinate. I get out to wash my hands and who is there? None other than Dr. Kimble.
   "Who are you?" I ask. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You won't find out. I'm not even old. It's just a spell to make me look like it," she says while washing her hands. "That makes sense. At the doctor's office you acted more like a high school girl. Being the drama queen and all," I tell her using my hands as illustrations. She tuts at me. "I'd really watch my words around someone like me, you know?" She asks. "No, I don't. I'm full elemental. So bring it," I tell her.
"I slept with your mate. Haha. I've slept with him plenty. And you know what? He's a good lover. I think I'll have him a few more times before throwing him away," she says in a biting tone.
    "You won't touch him. Ever," I tell her. She smirked at my words. "Oh, I will. And he will love it," she tells me. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her by the back of the neck and smashed her head it into the bathroom mirror. She looked aghast, with blood running down her face. "You brat!," she yelled as she grabbed me and threw me into the wall. That hurt. We kept fighting until Apollo came in and grabbed her. She quickly used the advantage to peck him on the lips, and then she vanished. "What the f*ck!" I yelled in anger and annoyance.
                       Akela's POV. Back at home
   "I'm so disappointed in you, Akela. I thought you were more responsible than this," he says. I can tell he's really upset. "I'm sorry," I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "That's not good enough. If you need fun, come to me. I'll take you and your friends out. But you don't go without me. It's too dangerous of a time," he tells me. I get up and hug him. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again," I tell him. At these words, he finally relaxes. I trudge upstairs like a sulky toddler. I'm just glad he got Lindsay and Monique home. She has to go pick up her car tomorrow.
   I finally relax when I get into bed. He puts his arm around my waist and we fastly fall asleep.
1/25/2021 at 3:22 pm. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. It means a lot to me. How'd you like this chapter? This is the longest chapter I've ever written. 3,423  words.

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