~Birthday Special~

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-Birthday special to our resident sleepyboi, Suna Rintaro-


'words' thoughts

"words" talking

words  Outside thoughts

M/n- male name


M/n ran through his bedroom, searching for his wallet. 'shit, shit, shit!' He thought before tripping over a shoe and tumbling into his closet. He looked down at his lap, covered in dirty and clean laundry, seeing his wallet peak out from under a red shirt with 'fre-sha-va-ca-doo' written in bold across the front (a present from Atsumu the previous Christmas).  Coming out of his closet,  he slipped on an Inarizaki sweatshirt he had stolen from one of his friends (he couldn't remember who at this point) and a pair of navy converse with rainbow stripes that ran the length of the shoe. 

M/n ran downstairs to the living room. "Hey Papa, could you take me to pick up Rin's present?" He asked the silver haired man on the couch.

"Sure," Victor replied before asking, "Whats the occasion?"

"It's Suna's birthday."


With the conversation finished, M/n and his father walked out to the car and loaded up.

The sports store the were stopping at was 15 minutes from their house by car.  M/n unloaded, went inside, and looked around before his eye caught on a 42" longboard with a colourful eye design on the back. He pick out the longboard and an oversized black hoodie.

Back at the house, M/n wrapped both presents and called Suna, who picked up on the third ring.

(Suna talking, M/n talking)


Hey Sunny!

Oh hey M/n, whats up?

I was wondering if you wanted to have a birthday sleepover tonight?

I'm hanging out with the Miya twins right now, but sure. I'm going to ask Osamu if you can come over here.


~Suna's P.O.V.~

I got off the call with M/n and walked out of Samu's room.  

"What's that about?" My boyfriend, Osamu, asked.

"M/n wanted to invite me over to a sleepover," I replied, "But i told him I'd talk to you first, since i was hanging out with you today."

"I don't mind, and I don't think 'Tsumu will either, besides I miss M/n. We haven't gotten to hang out since he moved away and I think he still has my hoodie." Osamu said.

I texted M/n back and told him that we could have a sleepover at Osamu and Atsumu's house.

(Time skip brought to you by Aoyama's sparkles)

~Third Person~

M/n showed up two hours later, gifts in hand and ran up to meet Suna and the twins. 

"Sunny! Samu! Atsu!" He called before giving them hugs.

"Hey shorty." Atsumu said while returning the hug.

M/n huffed before handing Suna's presents over.  He watched Suna's eyes sparkle at the longboard and knew he had found the right thing this year.  

They went inside and played videogames for a couple of hours before dinner, then watched movies the rest of the night. M/n passed out about halfway through the third one, laying on Suna with his head in Osamu's lap and his legs on Atsumu's.  By the fourth one, all four boys were asleep.

Suna woke up the next morning with one thought, 'best birthday ever.'



I do ship Osasuna, but I'm curious to see who you ship M/n with.

There will be a mix of rare and common ships in here. 

- Author 

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