CHP14: Transitions

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Kyle P.O.V

In the shadows, in the darkness, red... It followed me everywhere I went. Red, I thought, I thought after a year I learned to love it. I thought red wasn't a painful memory. I wanted it so badly to be tears I wanted it so bad, but nothing. Nothing left me, it was only rain. Rain leaving the sky as my so called God cried. I want tears but I want to vanish with this world.

I could only hear the pounding of the rain, but soon the halls were echoing with footsteps. Heavy footsteps running towards me. Red, was I really gonna watch the bloody red cover my eyes or I could look up, look up and see what was there right in front of me. It could make things worse or I could make things better. Red, I couldn't stand it anymore I looked up to see her, see her back to her normal self. She was crying, I knew it.  "Kyle..." She whispered. I looked away not being able to look at her to feel that guilt.

"Talk to me... I'm worried." She whispered. I bit my lip punching the cement. "Kyle!" She screamed. I fell to my knees not being able to break away from the floor. 

The desperation made me look up. "Look I know I've been an idiot now leave me alone!" I hollered. I could feel the screech in my voice. She continued to cry which urged me to continue. "It's just because I was tired... I was tired of being the victim... I was tired of the torture... I was tired of everything! But... All I was doing was... All I was doing was doing the same to others... I didn't get it until..." I looked at her ready for her to punch me. To do something, to respond to my stupidity anything would make me feel better.

A simple nod was all I got. She burst into more tears. I didn't want to feel more guilt I wanted a clear conscious. "I wanted an answer... and... And they were all that I got... The guys were there for me... When no one else was, when mom and dad were fonding over Ike, when I almost died because some idiots! When my brains were the only thing I had when they were about to rot because some idiots... We have something that no one could ever understand, when we were at our lowest, we picked each other up."

The blond screamed my name. It was the only thing keeping me from going mad. I sighed as I looked at him. I clenched my fist ready to kill him when I saw tears. "That's your name right... I just wanted to know, because you seemed... Nice." I rolled my eyes kicking the kid I was about to finish to the side. "I'm sorry, I... I uh don't really talk too well with... People especially... Guys." My eyes turned dull as he awkwardly bit his lip. "Nate.. Call me Nate or Nathan... Whatever you want." I patted the guy on the back and we walked along. This kid was an awkward mess but maybe I could help him.


I was walking to class when I heard it. "Get out of here conformist!" My eyes widened as I looked towards the house. A curly haired boy pushed a black haired emo looking kid out the door. Behind him stood a goth chick. Purple lipstick black torn dress and lots of makeup. 

The black haired kid chuckled as he staggered out of the house. "What did I do Michael?" He asked dazily.  The curly haired kid threw a pillow which he barely dodged.

"You tried having sex with my girlfriend, Henrietta! You dumb confirmist! You're not even goth!" The guy looked pretty messed up. He seemed sleep deprived, almost like he was drunk but he didn't smell like a tavern. He held a cigarette in his hand.

Nathan was an endless source of energy. He circled me like an idiot. He was a chatterbox too. Apparently he was an only child and he never got any attention since his folks were so busy. I thought he'd be more quiet since he was rich and had manners but it was the exact opposite. I approached the goth looking guy, exhausted.  "Hey..." I whispered. He flipped me off but I twisted his finger in response. "I'm trying to be nice... Wanna join us for lunch?"  He smiled but I sensed the sincerity in it.

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