CHP21: *Lemon* Honey Moon?

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I spun her around as we finally made it to our room. She laughed as I put her down and I stared at her. She blushed hard in her white wedding dress. "Kyle." She giggled. It made me blush as she whispered.  I kissed her on the lips before responding.

"Yeah?" I whispered. She breathed in deeply and gave me a soft smile.

She looked away a little awkward. "Your knees are crushing my stomach." I looked down immediately letting myself fall off the bed.

"Sorry!" I screamed scrambling to get up. She giggled pulling me back onto the bed. I  sat awkwardly there. "I don't want to ruin your dress mind changing?" I asked coughing. She gave an exasperated sigh running into the bathroom. I eased into the bed fiddling with my fingers. I immediately stopped when I realized what was about to happen. I gulped hard at the thought. "sex?" I quivered. I burried myself under the covers. What the hell was I thinking of? Of course not, I mean ___ was too good for that right? It wasn't that I didn't want sex it was just... I don't know. Of course like all other guys all the problems vanished when she walked into the room with a longcriss cossed red transparent dress. My mouth dropped as I sat on the bed.

"Hi Kyle." She whispered her hand crawling on my thigh. She slowly continued but finally stopped when she sat on my lap her legs wrapping around my lower back.

Reader P.O.V

I blushed as I buried my face into his shoulder. I wasn't only nervous I was pretty excited too. I brought my lips to his neck. "Kyle, I'm ready." He didn't speak but his hand wandered under my dress touching my butt. I moved my hips to the right feeling a little surprise as he entered his fingers into me. I gasped which made Kyle kiss my lips. His tongue begged for entrance and I eagerly allowed him. He continued to grope me injecting finger by finger into me and I couldn't help but grasp his back fiercer. I loved Kyle's touch especially if he was fingering me. He began to furiously kiss me and my hand wandered to his thigh again. I traced the bulge in his pants. In response he removed his pants and boxers. I gasped at the sight. He had a sticky hard boner and I couldn't help staring.

His hand wandered to my bra and he clumsily unclasped it. He put his gentle hands on my shoulders slowly dropping my dress. I gasped but he brought me towards him again. "I love you ___, trust me." He reassured his hands wandered to my private.

I bit down on his neck letting my tongue wander his gentle skin. He pulled me onto his lap and my hand wandered to his bone.  The need for air made me look back up to Kyle. "Are you ready?" He whispered twirling my (h/c) hair a bit. I blushed nodding. "You know you'll be my first." I started to tear up at his words. He put his hand on my cheek.

"Hey why are you crying?" I continued to cry and he brang me into his chest. I cried hugging him. "Tell me you know you can."

"I just didn't think that I'd be your first with Rebecca and all..." I whispered. He smirked kissing me on the cheek and rubbing my back.

"___, I've always loved you, Rebecca and I were never all that good, you and I. We're in a good place, and I really want to do this." He slowly removed his shirt. "I just want to know, are you?" I wiped my tears  kissing him on the cheek. I nodded slowly. He lay on top of me I blushed as his finger traced my vagina. I squirmed with pleasure as he slowly entered his fingers. I jolted up to feel the intensity of his touch.

He laughed as I let a moan escape. “Come on Kyle.” I whined. He continued to fist into me which made me even more excited. “Kyle!” Finally he got onto me inserting his bone into me. I gasped. “Wow!” He smirked again kissing my lips. “I didn’t think it was so thick.” I gasped. In response he began to thrust harder which made me moan. I felt my lips pulsing around him. I felt his hands cup my breasts and I held onto his hips as he thrusted back and forth. “Ah..”

Kyle P.O.V

I wanted to stop the minute she screamed but knew that she wasn’t hurt. I looked into her eyes as I began to fondle her. She continued to moan my name which made me expand in her. “Kyle!” She yelled finally cuming. I wish I’d done the same but I lay on her. When she saw my dull expression she forced me out of her. I was about to ask why but she forced her hands onto my private. I smiled kissing her on the cheek. She kissed my lips and continued to tug. I moaned letting my hands explore her body. No matter how hard I tried my hands continued to wander to her hard nipples. I fondled with her breasts which made her rougher with me. I moaned finally ejagulating. “Woah.” She laughed kissing my private once. “I love you Kyle.” I lay back into the bed.

“I love you too ___ more than you’ll ever know.”'

Craigxreader chapter book next :)

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