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I'm proud of my boots.
My dad told me to buy them,
The ones just like his.
So I listened.
He works hard,
Hard enough to crack the skin,
Swear loudly,
And never get the dirt
Out of his nails and the whorls
Of his work-stained hands.

He told me to buy them because
They hold up in bogs, ponds, and farms.
They're snow-proof, mud-proof,
Heavy-treaded, lined, and warm.
They're as tough as nails.
As tough as him.

This life is trying out my boots,
Trying me out and wearing me in.
I am those boots now, sweaty
With bitemarks on my edges,
Worn and tough and muddy.
I stand up straight like those boots
Even after the worst day
and I think that someday,
I will be as tough as nails.
As tough as him.

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