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comment if you want a sequel! Need at least 20 to write one. Thanks! Enjoy the last chapter!


A rough hand shook me. I sat up with a start. "Come this way," the voice said, and I followed it curiously. We walked out of the darkly lit room and I followed the mysterious silhouette. I had no other choice.

My legs were sore. My feet stung. My head was throbbing. My neck hurt, as if I'd been pierced. My hands felt too numb and heavy to reach my neck to check.

My heart beat fast. Or at least that's what I felt like, but when I placed my hand over my heart to slow it down, I felt nothing.

Something was off about me and it creeped me out.

We walked silently through the dim lit halls. my bare feet smacked against the cold floor and created an echo. I shuddered. At the end of the hall, there was a door.

The person opened the door when we approached it. My feet refused to move.

Where was I?

The person shoved me through. I stumbled and regained my balance and the door shut behind me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed at them. How long had it been since I'd last seen light and some other person? My memory was fogged.

I quickly ran through the facts.

My name is Scarlet. I was taken by Austin. We were good together, until he married Charlotte Covington. I made new friends such as Veronica, Miles, Ash, Niko, Caine, and Meeka.

Don't forget about Dmitri. Yep, that was definitely a hard face to forget.

Yes, now I was sure my memory was okay. Nothing paranormal had stolen that from me, the way the vampires have stolen me away from my human life.

I opened my eyes to look in the room. I was surprised at how much I was able to see in the dark room. Everything stood out, to the point where it made me dizzy.

I clumsily grasped for the wall to keep my balance. I took deep breaths. Although my body ached, I felt very strong and alive. By the second, I could feel myself regaining strength in my limbs.

I waited for a few minutes until finally I went over to a table sitting by the window in the room. There was a balcony, but the doors in the room to the balcony were locked. besides the table, there was nothing else.

It was strange. Why would someone bring me here?

I quickly scanned the room again. There had to be some reason....

In the far right, was a door. It looked like a closet door. Cautiously, I walked towards it. There could be a number of dangerous things or people behind it.

Slowly, I opened it. I sucked in a breath.

In front of me, was indeed, a closet.

The closet had one thing in it.

A purple dress.

The one I'd seen in the mall with Veronica in Paris.

My heart shattered. Why was it here?! Who brought it here?

Was I dreaming?

Whoever brought it needed to take it back. As I said, I was done stealing. Done taking advantage of other people and their money. Done with the vampires.

My memories were fogged. The last thing I remember is being on the roof with Dmitri and Ash. After that, darkness, for some reason and I couldn't remember anything after that.

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