12 Betrayal

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Austin's eyes flashed dangerous black before he barged into my room. I looked down at him, shocked to see he was wearing only an undershirt and red boxers.

I began to giggle but quickly stopped when he looked at me with a glare. I felt myself flinch - he's never stared at me like that.

"How ironic that he was here," Austin said, giving me a pointed look. He made it sound like I wanted Dmitri here! I had to explain everything to him.

"Why is it ironic?" I asked, shutting my bedroom door and getting as far away from the window as possible.

"Because, when I told you to get ready after dinner," he began, "Nice outfit by the way. Loving the dress,"He smiled a bit and I blushed. He was referring to my black heels and red dress. "When I told you to get ready, we were going to go to Dmitri's... Place," Austin explained.

I nodded but I wasn't really listening. I was actually freaking out by the fact that Austin must have heard EVERYTHING that Dmitri said to me. And that means he's in a dangerous mood.

"You should have told me where we were going.. I would've dressed down," I said, blushing since I overdressed just a bit.

"Did he hurt you?" Austin asked, placing hands all over me, looking for brusies, cuts, vampire bites.

"No," I whispered. Suddenly I was very tired and just wanted to sleep. "Nice clothes," I said grinning and his hands stopped moving, "Or should I say lack of clothes."

I saw his white cheeks turn red as he bent his head down, resting his chin on my head and his arms around my back. "I'll remind myself to visit you like this more often, then," he replied, laughing.

"I'm serious though. What if people saw you walking around like this?" What I really meant was he's mine and no one should see him like this but myself.

"Well, you and Dmitri weren't very quiet. Vampire ears, remember?The whole castle must have heard you two yelling at each other. As soon as I heard it, I hurried out of the shower and came here," he explained, playing with my hair.

I nodded. "I don't understand though, why didn't you come into my room when you got here? I mean... you could have helped or something..." I said, pulling away so I could see his face. I wasn't mad, I was just confused.

He hesitated then let me go. I backed up, shocked at his sudden mood change. He pursed his lips and looked everywhere except for at me.

"Austin, you could trust me," I said, trying to take his hand in mine but he shoved it in his pocket instead.

Hurt and suddenly angry, I took a few steps back and collected my thoughts. "You said you hope we don't fight anymore, and you're obviously going to make sure we don't fight since you refuse to talk to me. But I'm not going to just sit here while you keep your secrets. You've been doing it for a while now and I don't know what to do." I took a shaky breath when he finally made eye contact with me. He stayed silent, however. "Did you hear what Dmitri said? Are you angry about that? Did something I do upset you? Please, just talk to me." I was about to ask him to just leave when he finally decided to respond.

"I heard everything you and Dmitri said. I just... He was talking about why he's sparing you. And I was sanding there realizing he had a point. You want your family back. Maybe ... maybe it would be best for you to leave. Bringing you here wasn't fair to you and your family," He explained, looking away when he told me to leave. It was times like this where I wanted to become a vampire. So I could read his mind and know what he was really thinking.

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