So What If I'm Scared Of The Dark?

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I tried writing the second part to the previous chapter but it just came out super gross and cliche and I didn't like it all so rip unpublished part two. Basically the plot was Dan and Phil talk about their sexualities - pan Dan and pol Phil - and other sexual things but it didn't work with the rest of the story. Maybe it'll become an extra at the end, idk. ((Future Alex here to say that it was an extra chapter but it got flagged for mature content so if u want the smut u have to follow me. It's not important to the plot so don't worry if you don't read it.))
Warning: there is extensive swearing in this chapter so don't let grandma read it, don't make this your three-year-old cousins bed time story, don't make Siri read it out loud in a public place. Don't do it.

Tw: this chapter is pretty much entirely an in depth experience of Dan getting scared of the dark in the hotel room so if that bothers you just skip to the end I don't want to upset you or anything!!

It was about four am and after hours of "truth or dare" (which was really just truths) and "never have I ever" and "would you rather", Phil was finally beginning to drift off. His answers were mumbles, barely audible, and Dan stopped asking questions.

Dan looked about the room, his mind restless. The doorway to the balcony was covered with blinds, but the moonlight shone through just barely, causing shadows to run over the floor. The dresser lay big and looming at the edge of his peripheral vision, and their suitcases were piled in a menacing lump on the floor. The armchair, drenched in darkness, leered at him from the corner of the room. Dan closed his eyes. It was fine, it was fine. There was nothing in his room.


It was a fucking car horn you piece of shit.

Light danced on the floor as the trees shifted in front of the moon, causing the shadows to flicker about. Shapes were jumping around and Dan swore to whatever god there was that a there was a fucking FACE underneath that chair and it was far too hard to see for Dan's comfort and it was probably just a pillow but if it wasn't, it was definitely going to kill him in his sleep and it was really quiet like really quiet and it was fucking terrifying and what oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit shit shit shit shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitfuckfuckfuckfuckshitfuckshitfuckshitballsballsballsballsfuck fuck f u c k F U C K

Dan started to breathe just slightly too fast. And then he breathed faster than that. His eyes darted wildy about, never finding solace in the increasingly dark and terrifying room. He crunched the blankets close to him and curled up, as though a duvet could protect him from any goat demons inhabiting the room. His breath hissed out his nose and through his teeth as he tried to calm his fluttering lungs, to no avail. The hairs on his neck rose as he imagined a presence behind him, foreboding and dark; and then he convinced himself it was real. He shook in his own skin as he fought the urge to hide, since he was too scared to move.

If Dan thought he was being quiet, he was proven wrong when Phil's hand slipped into his. Every muscle in Dan's body tensed, expecting to be stabbed by a murderer, only to realize what was actually happening. His breathing slowed, his heart rate returned to a normal pace, and very slowly, Dan relaxed.

After about ten minutes, Dan was barely awake, and a sound broke through the silence.

"When the sun found the moon
She was drinking tea in a garden
Beneath the green umbrella trees
In the middle of summer"

At first it was just mumbling, undiscernable and quiet.

"When the moon found the sun
He looked like he was barely hanging on
But her eyes saved his life
In the middle of summer"

Phil was singing audibly now, and Dan knew that if he opened his eyes, he would be drowning in Phil's blue ocean orbs.

"In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day
Met the night."

Dan felt the bed compress as Phil shifted closer to him. Dan didn't mind, in fact, he liked it. But he restrained himself from curling into Phil in order to keep up his guise of sleep. Dan could feel Phil's breath push lightly against his chest, the words floating through his ribcage and absorbing into every fiber of his heart.

"So he said would it be alright
If we just sat and talked for a little while
If in exchange for your time
I give you this smile?"

Dan couldn't help his lips curling upwards the tiniest bit. Any fear that remained in Dan was brushed away to make took for the warmth that Phil's rumbling voice provided him.

"So she said that's ok
As long as you can make a promise"

Phil's head was resting on Dan's chest.

"Not to break my little heart
Or leave me all alone in the summer."

"Well they were just hanging around," Dan's voice joined in.

"Then he fell in love
And he didn't know how"

Dan tilted his head down and wrapped his free arm around Phil's back, pulling them closer together. Phil's hair brushed his lips as Dan whispered the words to Phil's forehead.

"But he couldn't get out
Just hanging around
Then he fell in love"

Dan wasn't sure whether he would describe what he felt for Phil as love in a romantic manner, but it was not purely platonic. It didn't really fit a definition, it was just plain love. Love when your souls are so perfectly matched; and you couldn't bear to let them go because even though you've only known them a few hours, you couldn't imagine yourself without them.

"In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night."

Heyyyy so I just ate a shit ton of smarties I've got energy lets go lets do this lets finish this fic at 12:05 am wooooOOOOOOO

In other words, epilogue to follow.

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