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belle's pov
one week later.

i was sat in the dinner haul on my own since nia wasn't in and cara was sat with jaxson.

as i ate my food, the sound of a tray dropping onto my table made me look up.

it was mattia. i sigh and roll my eyes. i watch as mattia sat down at the table and began eating.

i looked around the haul for his friends but i didn't see any of them. my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. why was he sitting here?

"um.. why are you sitting here?" i ask and he looks up at me.

"none of my friends are in and you were sat on your own." he shrugged and i slowly nodded.

i looked down at my book and opened the page i was last on and began reading.

"is that all you do?" mattia asks. i look up at him and nod. "oh.. fun." he sarcastically said and i rolled my eyes.

"have you ever read a book?" i raise a brow and he shakes his head.

"other then when i was little and i had to read those kid books with my mom, no."

"well you should," i shrug. "maybe it can help with your knowledge."

"are you calling me dumb?" he asked and i chuckled and shook my head.

"no, i'm just saying, maybe start reading more."

"but i'll look like a nerd." he sighed and i rolled my eyes and shut my book.

"please, please stop." i shake my head and rub my forehead. "why do you always worry about what other people think?"

"i do not." he defended.

"i think you do.." i nod. "hey, how about you take this book home and read it. it's one of my favorites so i'm sure you'll love it."

mattia shook his head. "no, i think i'm okay and plus, you said it was one of your favorites so why would i take that from you?"

"i said it was one of them, mattia. i have plenty more. just give it a read. i'm sure you'll like it."

mattia scoffs before taking the book out of my hand and reading the book name.

"pride and prejudice? yeah.. no thanks. it's a romance." he said and tried giving me the book back but i pushed it back towards him.

"maybe it could overcome your heartbreak." i smile and stand up.

"what do you mean? who said i was heartbroken?"


"what- oh yeah, maybe it will, but wait!" he nods. "let's make a deal.. if i read this book then you have to do one thing i want you to do?"

i think for a moment and then slowly nod. "sure."

mattia's pov

i open the book and begin to read the first few lines on the page and i don't know what it was, but something dragged me into the book.

no wonder this was belle's favorite book.


four days later.

"here you go." i said and dropped the book onto the table in the library in front of belle.

"you finished it?" she asks and i nod and pull the chair out beside her.

"i feel like it really helped with the heartbreak." i said and placed my hand on my chest and watched as she took the book back and put it into her bag.

"did you really read it? or are you just saying it?" she raises her brow.

"i read it." and that was the truth. i did read it. my mom was quite shocked seeing me read a book, and so was my dad.

"did you enjoy it?"

i nodded. "i guess."

she chuckles and shakes her head. "now what do you want me to do?" she asks.

i lean forward so i'm closer to her and my lips are close to her ear. "go on a date with me." i whisper and she rolls her eyes and shakes her head.


"you agreed to the deal. i read the book and now you come on a date with me." i shrugged and leaned back and rested my back against the back of the chair.

she sighs. "okay fine, but it's just.. a friend thing."

"so we're friends?" i raise a brow and smirk.

"no, we're acquaintances."

i grin and nod my head. "okay, doll."


"yes doll," i nod. i don't think she new what i meant by it. "don't worry, it's nothing bad," i chuckled. "it just means you're attractive."

she squints her eyes before nodding  and i stand up and begin to walk away but as i was walking i quickly turn back around.

"hey, belle, uh.. where's your favorite place to eat?" shit. why am i being nervous?

she smiles at me. "anywhere."

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