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"really? he hasn't woken up yet?" whisper-shouted hélo through a mouthful of toothpaste and toothbrush, standing in the doorway in her bathing suit, towel in hand.

"no," replied cass, listening intently to pedro's light breathing as he slept. "he's out cold."

"then leave him be."

"hélo, it's 9am and he's been asleep since midday yesterday."

"i said leave him, cass." she said, rolling her eyes at cass's insistence. she could be insufferable sometimes with how stubborn she was.

"fine, i'll leave him. start going down and get the car started."

hélo obeyed and disappeared to the bathroom next door, and cass stopped to look at pedro. he looked sound asleep, which surprised her given he'd been asleep for what seemed like ages. he was tangled in the sheets, hair tassled and head turned in a way where cass could see every line in his face perfectly. the curve of his nose and soft lips and the angle of his lightly bearded jaw.

she snapped out of her stare to leave him a note, grabbing a pen and a notepad that was on the desk next to the bed.

you missed breakfast, you've been asleep since yesterday. lunch is at 1, and if you're not awake by then either, dinner is at 7. we'll be down at the river. my dad stayed.

-cass xx

cass folded the note and tucked it under his pillow noiselessly, taking one last glance at the serene-looking man and sauntering off downstairs to everyone piled into the car. she drove a few minutes to a friend of her aunt's where she left her aunt and uncle for the morning and stopped by pierre's house to get him. the gravel crackled under the wheels of the old car once more as the three of them drove, now headed to the river.


cass and hélo sat on a rock by the river, where pierre hopped off into the rushing water to cool off from the hot day, the splashes almost distant from where they were sat, blending into the sound of the rushing water.

"so what are you gonna do about him?" asks hélo quietly, peering at cass from under her sunglasses.

"about who?" she replies, furrowing her brow and smiling, pretending to be confused. her heart beat a little faster because she knew hélo was talking about pedro.

"about pierre."

cass looked at hélo bewildered. "what about him?"

hélo rolled her eyes. cass truly is clueless isn't she, she thought. "you're in love with pedro aren't you?"

"yeah," she declared, proud and childlike, a blush that wasn't caused by the heat spread on her cheeks.

"then are you gonna drop pierre?"

"why would i drop pierre? you know it's never been like that."

cass and pierre had been around each other since they were kids, his parents being old friends of cass's mom. as they grew up they were always friends, going with each other everywhere while hélo followed. they never established anything really solid, but between them, there was an air that they never ignored, which led to casual sex and overall intimacy that they really didn't get from anyone besides each other. even if she was eighteen, cass had never had a real steady boyfriend, so she relied on pierre to give her just that; friends with benefits, but they cherished the friends part significantly more.

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