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Note: everything won't be exactly like the first stream Quackity and Badboyhalo did (playing gta) as I can't remember much.


"Who's calling me now?" I muttered as I slowly looked at my discord but stood frozen when I saw the name. Of course it wasn't skeppy because me and him always use Teamspeak.


✔️ or ❌

"I guess I'll accept even though he's annoying" I laughed to myself while rat was barking in the background, probably wanting more treats.




"Up for some gta now?"

Oh right.. I forgot all about that. I played this game called roblox with him a few days ago, had no absolute clue on what it was all about but now I have to play another game with HIM?! He's quite funny but not as great as Skeppy.

"Uh yeah sure! Let me just run it up."

I never played gta either but it was an 18+ which made me worry, what would even be on this game? I refuse to ever swear let alone play violent games in my life on the Internet with fans watching because I'm all family friendly meanwhile skeppy is... not? Yeah that's a way to put it because boy oh boy.. I have to keep saying Language to him.

Quackity started the stream and there were more than 100,000 people so I got a little shy because I didn't want to mess up or anything, again I have never even touched this game in my life.

"Welcome back to another stream chat! Today as promised, me and bad are going to play gta, isn't that righttt bad?!" He said to me and to the audience.

"Yes, yes it is" I laughed.

"Are you in the game yet?!"

"I'm spawned in a house.. what do I do?"

"Wait.. what does it look like?"

"Well" I explained what the house was like and how there was people in it until Quackity interrupted me out of nowhere.


"LANGUAGE QUACKITY!" I covered my ears.

"I'm sending you an invite"

"Okay.." I searched for his user and pressed the request he sent me to join his server on gta.

I did quite a bit of streams with Quackity now and I still think he's crazy. I wouldn't count him as my best friend yet but maybe in the future if he's a little nicer to me, hopefully.

"WHAT IS THAT CHARACTER" he laughed exactly how he did when I was dressed as a noob on roblox.

"I rushed!!"

"Ehh it will do, now I want you to steal a car!"

"Steal a... IM NOT DOING THAT!"

"Bad this isn't a kids game, you can do it"

"Fine" I gave up because I couldn't be bothered to start an argument with this guy.


"YOU JUST TOLD ME TO!" I yelled.

"Woah... chill out" Alex looked at the camera with a shocked face.


A few seconds later, Quackity started laughing and took over, immediately running over a lady just walking on the pavements.

"QUACKITY! U JUST HIT SOMEBODY" I got out of the car and ran over to the person, making sure if she was alive still.

"Get back in the car bad! We don't have time for this, I wanna take you to a club"

"Okay, I'm coming!"

Club huh? That does sound fun except from alcohol and really loud music!

"Wait hold on.. I'm getting a call from Skeppy" Alex said and I instantly paid attention.

"Hey Quackity!" I heard his voice and I smiled, I always get butterflies from that voice of his, that sounds so weird doesn't it?

"Hey Skeppy, how you doing?"

"Nothing much.. thought I'd just pop by and I noticed you are playing with bad right?"

"Hey skeppy!" I shouted so he could hear me but there was no answer from him.

"That's correct! I was going to invite you but your best friend Bad here told me not to..."


"Oh really now? I see how it is bad.. you know I actually wanted to spend time with you because I been hanging out with my friends all morning but nevermind."

"Skeppy... you can!" I quietly said and not even Quackity heard me.

"Looks like bad doesn't even care! Skeppy we should meet up instead" Alex smiled.

"NO! You cannot meet up with this annoying person! I known you longer anyways.."

"Hm.. I don't know I think Quackity has been a really nice person to me unlike someone"

"OOOOHHH!" Alex laughed.

"Yea we really should Skeppy"

"You know what.. I'm leaving." I said and got ready to exit the game.

"NO BAD! I'm sorry" Quackity begged.

"Well looks like it's my time to go" Zak chuckled.

"NOO SKEPPY, can I talk to you privately?"

"Oooo chat, they are going to make love now" Alex smirked.

"Oh stop it, we are not!" I controlled my anger so I wouldn't be shouting again.


I quickly went onto teamspeak and me and skeppy joined a call while Quackity was doing something in gta and talking to his viewers.

"What did you want to tell me, Bad?"

"I love you" that was all I said

"Awwww, someone wants attention" He laughed.

"Oh I definitely do, I hate Quackity"

"I'm sure you don't really mean that"

"Well.. he's alright but you're better" I smiled.

"You can't say that!"

"Why not? I don't see any problems"

"Bad I love you too, be good alright? I don't want him doing anything horrible to you." His words were making me feel happy, skeppy really is the best.

"Aww thank you Skeppy!"

"No problem, now I'm going to sleep as it's getting pretty late.. goodnight!"


Wordcount: 981

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