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^ definitely haven't died laughing at that photo 😳 also I swear I won't mention Quackity in my next one but it's hard not to 😏 I'm going to not use their real names in chapters like these but ones were they actually meet, yes

"Why are we playing this game skeppy?" Bad said in an annoyed way.

"What's up with roblox?"

"Quacki.. ahem nothing."

"Did you just say Quackity ?! WHAT DID HE DO" skeppy shouted.

"Someone's jealous" Bad coughed.

"Oh Shut up"

"Did you not see the stream where me and Quackity played this game together? I don't get it, it's just boring." Bad remembered the Nicki minaj game and shook his head.

"But I played this before too and it was funny! I even played this game called adopt me." Skeppy started to laugh.

"Adopt me?"

"You want me to adopt you? Okay then!"

"NO! I mean- NO SKEPPY"

"I'm joking.. anyways I'll show you, join me"

"I refuse to play it, never again."

"Fine I'll just play with Quackity then, he's my great friend afterall." Skeppy rolled his eyes.

"Q-Quackity? Really?"

"Yes, look I'll even get him on a call for you"

... A few minutes later

"AY MY FAVOURITE COUPLE, how are you doing?"
Quackity entered the discord call, already shouting.

"Go away Quackity.." Bad weakly said.

"Am I interrupting another divorce again? My bad, my bad."

"No it's all good Quackity, I was going to ask you if you would play roblox with me since SOMEBODY HERE is refusing to."

"HEY!" Bad yelled.

"Definitely! Can I stream this?"


"NO me and skeppy are playing"

"Did I just hear Jealousboyhalo?" Quackity laughed.

Badboyhalo left the call

"Sometimes you should shut your mouth Quackity." Skeppy muttered but it was still audible.

"Well I think you should control your man first, skeppy."

Badboyhalo joined the call

"Alright I'm back what's going o-"

"BITCHBOY." Skeppy yelled.


"Your just mad that bad spends more time with me now"

"Pfft I don't care about that."

"Hm... sure sure"

"Can you stop fighting? Rat is already barking" Bad whispered.


"And skephalo is confirmed again"

"ARE YOU RECORDING THIS?!" Bad screamed at Quackity.

".. maybeee"

"BAD JUST JOIN MEEEEE" skeppy cried like he wanted sand all over again.

"fine, you convinced me enough"

"I shall go then, bye bye losers" Quackity left the call

Wordcount: 423

I don't know what this is but the next one will be a better one since I haven't posted recently and this is just to prove I'm not gonna be lazy anymore :,)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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