Chapter 18

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third person pov:

Erratum was watching clas looking around like he was crazy. But in reality, he wasn't. Just someone had that great idea to come into his class 4 times while he just wanted to give those poor student tests.

Erratum looks around class one last time before he took a deep breath and was ready to say something before someone knocks on the door. "M-Mr Errat-." "Are you fucking shitting me already!!!" Erratum snaps and threw the pen out of the window while looking at the door seeing Muffet who quickly got scared before Erratum realized what he did so he randomly cough and told.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you Muffet. It's just I want to give the test and there is always anyone who must rush here for an unknown reason. Like this is class. Not a Supermarket.

Muffet nods before looking at papers and telling. "I just want to tell you that someone is waiting for you in front of class." "Who is it let them in." "It's Death Mr.Erratum I thing you shou-." "Wait. Did you just said-." Muffet nod.

Erratum looks around the class before he sighs and told them to wait before he left his class and was meet with Death who had a generous smile making Erratum's eye twitch before he sends Muffet away turning to Death and glaring at her.

"What are you doing here." Erratum whisper shouts. "I called you at least three times already and you didn't pick up the phone." "First. I'm at work and second. Why the hell did you call me?" "I just wanted to know if you already found a plan on how to get back and don't shout at me I'm just worried OK!" *sigh* Sorry. I'm just stressed lately thats all. How is it with Dust anyway? Still sick?" "Yea he had 39,3°C last time I check. I went to buy something on sickness while he was asleep and also check in on you."

"You should tell me in the morning and I would bring them for you." "No you have already more than enough work and I don't want to stress you even more OK. This isn't fine on your soul. Too much stress can lead to. . . you know." "I'm aware of it but I still don't care not unless I found that everything if fin-." "No Erratum you also need to take care of yourself. There are people like Me, or Dust. Who cares about you. So please. Promise me to take a break."

"I-I-I-I-." "Please." "I-. . . *sigh* alright I will. But only because of you." Erratum whisper before stroking Death's cheek making her blush before she turned around and told. "Il go now. I need to take care of Dust. Good Luck with your work!" Erratum wave her before he came back to class and look at the clock before he made a loud sigh and told.

"Kids. About that test. We will move it to the last period ok. So in class after lunch. Now go." Everyone thank Mr.Erratum before they took their think and left while Erratum sigh and lock class before going to the staff room and sitting next to his desk hitting the table with his skull before groaning out.

"What the hell am I supposed to dooooooo." "Supposed to do what?" Someone ask making Erratum scream and almost throwing a mug at that person only to realize it was Ink. "Wowowow. Erratum chill. It's just me. Ink."

"*gasp* God damit I *gasp* Ink you almost gave me soul attack." "Sowwy." He told with a funny face making me growl before turning back to my desk.

"Is something wrong Erratum? You seem. . . kinda down?" Ink asks sitting beside him. "Yea but it. . . . complicated." "Don't you need our help?" "N-no I defiantly don't want you to get kill-. . . emm I mean n-no there is nothing you could help me with. . . I think." He mumbles last making both Ink and Error who came like a minute after Ink looks at each other before Error taps on Erratum's shoulder making him look at his face before telling.

"Erratum there is defiantly something wrong. I can see that pain in your eyes and it makes us worried about you. So if you need our help with something. Please tell us." "I- . . . *sigh* I'm deep in problems guys. "Like financial?" "N-no not like that Ink. . . it's more personal."

Mr. Erratum. Second chance for better life. (DestructiveDeath/ ErrorxReaper)Where stories live. Discover now