This story takes place in an alternative universe, where 2 intelligent species evolved on planet earth. The humans, much like our own universe, quickly became the dominant species. The second species, the kurvian, were physically similar to humans, however they also resembled common animal families, such as canines, felines, and vulpines. The humans had a disdain towards the kurvians. They were considered primate by the humans, who had begun to create permanent settlements, as opposed to the kurvians nomad lifestyle. Eventually the kurvians learned the wonders of farming and began to settle down. But even after the kurvians adopted the humans way of life, they still despised them. They still saw them as animals, and treated them as such. The humans found their villages and burned them down. Many kurvians were killed, and many more were enslaved. A dark time in kurvian and human history. For many centuries, after that kurvians were made to work the fields and later the dangerous factories. Even after the ban on all forms of slavery in most human controlled territories, kurvians were still treated with disrespect and hostility. Even in modern days, speciesism is common. Humans and kurvians hated each other, down to the very bone. With so much hatred rooted in their history, a human and a kurvian falling in love should be impossible... Right?
The Boy and The Fox
RomanceKurvians (Anthro species) and humans have hated each other for centuries. So what happens when a male human and a female fox kurvian start to fall for each other? Will love really win out, or will the two species hatred for each other drive the love...