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everyone knows this,
it's obvious.

the bags under his eyes,
the low attitude and energy,
the slow pace as he walks,
the messy purple hair.

hitoshi shinso is sleep deprived.

...but what else is new?

this. this is new.

"oh hey shinso"

startled, shinso's eyes meet the energetic figure standing before him.


"...kaminari denki", he greets.

the boy gives him a look as he suppresses a chuckle. denki shakes his head.

"dude, no need to be so formal. just call me denki", he says with a small smile.

shinso nods and awkwardly turns around, he's not in the mood to socialize.

besides, what is denki kaminari doing up at 2 am in the morning?

well, it's not as if he cares.

"h-hey! wait up, what are you doing up at... 2am in the morning?"


he turns around for just a second before walking away.
"...i could ask you the same thing..."

there. shinso hopes that denki will be smart enough to leave him alone to make his black coffee as he always does at 2am.

"ah, i'll tell you if you tell me"

it seems he's not smart enough.

shinso sighs deeply.

"...i don't care why you're up. just leave me alone and go to sleep or something"

okay, there. that should do it.

"geez! no need to be so rude! woah you're like a sarcastic purple bakugou. i see why you two don't get along-"

shinso rolls his eyes, has anyone ever spoken this much to him?

the answer is no.

"-anyway. i'll tell you my secret. i'm up because i can't sleep. surprise, surprise", denki chuckles. "my quirk doesn't let me sleep so i'm kind of used to it but it still sucks"

shinso hates to admit it but... he's... curious.

he turns his head a bit to the side as he stares at denki. not that he cares but if you look close enough, you can see the dark bags under his eyes.

"...i'm guessing you're used to be up at this hour too? why? is it because of your quirk? nightmares? do you secretly meet up with someone at exactly 2 am? oh! oh! i know, do you secretly rescue cute abandoned cats and hide them in your room? is it that? if it is, can i pet them? do they have names?-"

shinso's mouth hangs open. his eyes are wild as plates.

"what the fuck denki"

that seems to shut him up.

before a small giggle escapes the blonde boy's mouth and he bows to shinso.

"i'm sorry shinso, i was probably talking none sense... i'm just excited of finding someone up at this hour. it's usually rare hehe", he scratches the back of his neck.

shinso feels his mouth turn up into a small smile- it's completely gone the second he realizes what he was about to do.

"...it's alright i guess. i'm just not used to people talking so much-"

"i totally get it! nevermind, i dont. i mean, i kinda do. because i'm always the one doing the talking so people usually don't get to say much"

shinso smirks. "i can tell"

denki stares at him in surprise before faking a loud gasp and clutching his chest with his hand tightly. "excuse you! you're not supposed to say that!", but he's smiling teasingly now.

"...then what am i supposed to say?"

he's honestly curious.

denki smirks. "no denki! you don't talk that much! it's okay, i don't find you annoying-"

"hold up, who am i to lie to you like that? that's just cruel"

denki gasps once again. "dude! that's mean! how can you drop such words and make a deep hole in my heart, yet sound so calm! that's terrifying! geez!"

shinso doesn't know, but he's smiling.

...denki counts this as a win.

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