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Lark had never seen so many red eyes.

When she'd arrived at the Cullen house that morning to assist Carlisle in any research left to gather on the Ticuna legends, the house had been empty, as all of the vampires currently staying with the family had either been hunting out of town or in the backyard, out of Lark's view. However, as she followed Anastasia out of the office to the kitchen, to heat up some of the food the Cullens left in the fridge for Jacob, she found herself surrounded, each pair of cold, immortal eyes trained on her.

"It's alright," Carlisle assured her, exiting his office behind the two. "Larkin, these are our friends. They've traveled from far and wide to help witness to the Volturi for us. Everyone, this is Larkin Hudson. She's a researcher, and very well versed in legends and mythology. She's graciously agreed to help us search for another instance in history that might have been recorded of a creature like Renesmee."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Larkin," a voice said, and she turned to see a familiar blonde woman standing next to Rosalie, her eyes surprisingly a shining shade of gold, like the Cullens'. "I'm Kate. I remember you being with one of the werewolves at the wedding, forgive me if we kept our distance."

"Lark, please," Lark assured the woman, who didn't appear to be any older than twenty, though she didn't want to attempt guessing how old Kate actually was. "It's nice to see you again."

"Lark loves myths." Edward spoke up, an amused smile gracing his face as he looked back at his friend. "It's her entire life. I'm sure she'd love it if a few of you maybe told her a story or two from your travels, or even showed her some of your abilities."

Lark looked over at Edward to respond, but all of a sudden her vision went dark, as if she'd been standing in an isolated room and someone had pulled the plug on the power. She was no longer surrounded by the vampires in the Cullens' den, but instead was in the middle of a dense forest, completely surrounded by trees. She could almost smell the pine in the air, and hear the crackling of the pine needles under her feet as she took a step forward.

"Alright, alright," Anastasia said, breaking the silence, as well as Lark's focus on the trees. "Let's not scare her too much, Zafrina."

Suddenly, the trees were gone, and Lark found herself back in the middle of the den, the surrounding vampires all watching her with amused smiles. Standing in front of her now stood two other women, both watching her with catlike grins. 

"I am Zafrina," the woman on Lark's left introduced herself, "and this is Senna. We have come from the Amazons. My ability is visual projection, as you have now seen."

"Projection?" Lark asked, her eyebrows furrowing together. "You mean I wasn't just-?"

"Lark, you never left the room." Emmett said with a low chuckle, the human girl's cheeks beginning to heat up slightly from embarrassment.

"So do you all have special abilities?" Lark asked, changing the subject, her eyes wandering the room.

"Some of us." Kate explained, holding a hand up where Lark could see tiny tendrils of electricity sparking across her palms. "Don't worry, I won't shock you." she said with a tiny smirk.

A gust of wind blew past Lark, fanning her hair out behind her, and she turned around to find the source, finding a grinning boy who appeared around Lark's age waving at her, standing near another couple as well as a girl who appeared around the same age, maybe a couple years older than him at the very most.

"These are our friends from Egypt." Carlisle introduced. "Benjamin here has control over the four elements, and this is his mate, Tia. Next to them is their creator, Amun, and his mate, Kebi."

"It's very nice to meet you." Benjamin said. "It's not often we get to travel to new places."

Lark studied the four vampires in front of her, and, while every instinct in her body since leaving Carlisle's office told her to run upon seeing their cold red eyes, the awe of being surrounded by creatures she'd spent her entire life studying was enough to keep her feet firmly planted on the ground beneath her. Benjamin and Tia still had a bit of childlike innocence and grace to their faces, despite their actual age, though the look in Amun and Kebi's eyes told Lark that they were older than she could even begin to comprehend, and had seen things during their long lives that she could only begin to dream of. Amun never smiled, his stare instead focused on Lark, as if he were made of stone.

"And over here we have the Irish coven." Edward introduced. "This is Siobhan and her mate Liam, and their coven mate Maggie."

"We've heard so much about you." the youngest of the group, Maggie, said, taking Lark's hand in her ice cold one and shaking it.

Instantly, Lark could see the difference between Siobhan, Liam, and Maggie that separated them from the rest of their red-eyed counterparts. Although their eyes were the same shade of crimson, alerting her that they were not vegetarians like the Cullens and Kate's coven, they seemed much calmer around her, which came as a comfort to the human girl. She felt safe around them, as she did with the Cullens, and she knew she was in no danger being near them.

"Maggie here can detect lies." Carlisle explained, and Maggie nodded with a kind smile. "When I sought out Liam to ask for help, Maggie could tell we were not lying about Renesmee's true identity, and they graciously agreed to help us."

Lark looked around at the vampires once more, adrenaline pumping through her veins and her mind in the clouds. Each of them had a story of their own, as well as the unique talents possessed by a number of them, and she knew that this was the moment she'd waited her entire life as a storyteller to be able to experience, even if she knew there were even more nearby that she hadn't gotten to meet. They were real, and they were standing all around her.

"Our research, mixed with these friends who have all come to help, just may be enough to convince the Volturi to listen." Carlisle said optimistically.

"Hell yeah," Emmett said. "We might just survive this, after all."




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