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"They should've been back by now." Lark muttered, pacing back and forth around the Clearwater family's living room, stepping over where Leonora was laying on the floor with every lap she walked. "How long has it been, now?"

"A couple of hours." Anastasia said, checking the time on her phone, which, according to Alicia, had been upgraded from a simple flip phone to a Blackberry since she'd joined the Cullen clan, and the other Swan girl had claimed a luxurious car probably wasn't too far behind, knowing the rest of the family.

If Lark, Leonora, and Alicia had been anxious about the passing of time that afternoon, Lark gathered that it was probably nothing compared to how Anastasia's immortal senses were feeling. As a vampire with super speed, time passed slower for her, and every agonizing second to a human seemed like a million more to her. Although vampires didn't need to fidget like humans did, and she'd spent the majority of the time they were waiting out the fight at Leo's sitting as still as a stone statue, Lark was certain she'd seen a flash out of the corner of her eye where Ana had risen from the couch, quickly paced around the kitchen, and had returned before the three human girls could notice.

When she'd left Paul's house that morning to head to Leonora's for the battle he assured her that, if the Volturi would truly hear the Cullens out about Renesmee, they shouldn't be gone more than a few hours. Anastasia had caught the scent of the Volturi passing through the area nearly three hours before, but still had yet to catch any of the wolves in a close distance, their smell growing fainter and fainter with each passing minute they spent away from their territory.

If it truly had to end in a battle, it didn't seem like a promising one for their loved ones.

"They're going to be okay." Alicia said optimistically, picking up the television remote from where it sat next to Leo and flipping through the channels, searching for anything to take the four girls' minds off of whatever could possibly be happening right outside town at that very moment. "The Volturi were probably just interested in Renesmee, is all, and wanted to know everything they could about how a hybrid is created."

Alicia set the remote down as Wheel of Fortune popped up on the television, the girls' attention turning to the screen as they tried desperately, at least for a moment, to feel any sense of normalcy by trying to guess the puzzle currently on the screen.

"Okay, 'Food and Drink,'" Leonora read the category of the puzzle out loud for the rest of them. "That should be easy, I love food and drinks."

Lark studied the screen in front of her, eyeing the three covered up words and watching as the contestant spun the wheel. The contestant guessed the letter C, and the girls watched as three letters appeared in the phrase.

"Come on, just buy a vowel already," Leonora said impatiently. "Give me something to work with."

"It's 'Broccoli Cheddar Soup,'" Anastasia said after a moment, impossibly fast for a human to have guessed the phrase.

"No fair," Alicia claimed, scowling at her older sister when the time finally came for the contestant on screen to solve the puzzle, proving that the vampire had been right in her guess. "At least give the humans some time to catch up."

The rounds continued to pass, with Anastasia also managing to guess A Dime a Dozen and The Statue of Liberty, though by the time the final spin had come around, none of the girls had felt quite in the mood for the distraction of watching the game show, the initial thrill of it having long worn off by the worries that still plagued each of their minds. Lark had returned to her pacing behind the couch, Leo continuing to bite her nails anxiously, and Alicia checked her phone every other minute for a missed call or text from Embry.

Lark tried to think positive, that maybe Alicia was right about the Volturi just being extremely interested in Renesmee and wanting to know everything there was to learn about her, and that Paul was okay, though she knew there was no guarantee of that fact. But, while she knew that the imprint link was on Paul's end, and that he'd be the one to know if she was in danger, she couldn't help but feel like she'd know if Paul was hurt, wouldn't she?

She could hope that she'd know if he were, anyway, and that it should be a relief that she hadn't felt anything, but the truth was, she had no clue.

"Alright," Lark said, "There has to be something we can do to try and pass the time. We can play cards, bake cookies, something."

"I'm up for baking cookies." Alicia said, rising from the couch and making her way into the kitchen.

"I can't eat them, but I'll help with them." Anastasia offered as she, Leo, and Lark followed Alicia into the kitchen, Leonora immediately crossing to the pantry to pull out the ingredients.

The girls settled on three batches of cookies, knowing that, if the boys did manage to make it home safe and sound that evening, they'd most likely be hungry when they arrived, and it was best to be prepared for the best case scenario. While the activity did help the time go by at least a little, Lark was still all too aware of how painstakingly slow each minute passed by, especially once the trays were set in the oven to bake.

"It's nearly dark out," Alicia noted, peering through the curtains to the backyard of the Clearwater house. "I thought they'd be back by now."

Suddenly, a shrill ringing sound cut through the air from the living room, where Leonora's phone sat on the floor next to where she'd been sitting. The girl launched herself off the counter she was sitting on, rushing into the other room and diving onto the rug to reach her cell phone, flipping it open and holding it to her ear.

"Jared?" she asked, nearly out of breath, and Lark waited with bated breath as the girl spoke, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Although, if Jared was able to call Leo himself, then she had high hopes that they were alright. "Are you okay? What's going on?" Leo fell silent as he spoke, and Lark watched Anastasia, who was using her super hearing to be able to listen in on their conversation. "Alright," Leo said. "In that case I'll see you soon. Hurry back. Bye."

Leonora hung up the phone with a relieved sigh, pulling herself up from the floor and looking back at the other three girls. "He's alright. They're all alright. It's over."




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