Not Dead

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 Then, all of a sudden, I jolted forward as the urge to throw up and nausea overcame me. I stood up abruptly and slapped a hand over my mouth as blood poured from it. The blood slipped though my fingers and I fell to my knees as blood poured out of my mouth. Black spots dotted my vision as I lost consciousness. I fell forward as hands wrapped around me. There was yelling and crying. Then complete darkness.


I woke to a burning sensation on my stomach. My mark, I thought. I felt panic slowly wash over me as I remembered what that meant. My eyes snapped to the door as it opened quickly, showing a blur of white coats as they rushed around me, scribbling down notes. I tried to speak, but the only thing that came out was a croak. 

After an hour of tests, the doctors left, leaving just a nurse behind. She smiled warmly and handed me a notebook and a pen. "Since you can't speak right now, we'll have to communicate through this for now, okay?" I nodded in response. "Alright, since Aizawa Shota is your legal guardian, do you want me to go get him?" I nodded again. She smiled and stated that she would be right back. She left, leaving the bright hospital room quiet. 

I sighed and let my mind wander. I felt the panic start to close in again, like a snake had wrapped itself around my lungs and started to squeeze. I crawled under the blanket and cried. I heard the door open and a few voices filled the room. "He's right here. He seems no-" The voice cut off and there were hurried footsteps come towards me. 

I choked out a sob and buried by face into the blanket I hid under. A hand touched my shoulder, and my whole body jerked away from them. My head snapped up to see that it was Mr. Aizawa. I looked around in pure fear. The nurse and a doctor was there and I looked back over to Mr. Aizawa. I jumped up and hugged him as if my life depended on it. Hot tears were still rolling down my cheeks, but my breathing had calmed down for the most part after being held by someone I trusted. He pulled back slightly and looked me in the eyes. 

"Is it him?" He asked, clearly worried. I froze then slowly nodded. He took in a sharp breath. "Alright. We need to somehow get the mark off before your life force starts depleting." I nodded again, not being able to talk. His head snapped over to the nurse and doctor standing over on the other side of the room, they seemed confused, but they stood up straighter when Mr. Aizawa looked at them. "We need to remove the mark on his stomach, but it might be harder than removing just skin. It was put there with a powerful quirk." They nodded and walked over to the bed I sat on. I shrunk away, still terrified. "It's alright, Midoriya, there just going to remove the mark." I nodded and closed my eyes tight. "This might hurt a bit." 

Time skip brought to you by your lazy author~

After a while of me crying out in pain the mark was finally removed. But I could tell that it had already took enough to bring him back. I didn't know why it was happening now, the mark had stayed dormant for 9 years. I was confused, but still terrified. He's coming back even though he's dead. Even though I killed him.


Ok, I'm sorry, this was very short. But do you know what you get because this was short and I haven't updated in forever? Two chapters! Maybe not today, but definetely tomorrow if not today. Anywho~ I hope you've enjoyed my story so far! Bye~


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