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{Deku POV} 

I can not believe i stuttered like a baby learning to talk. I sighed heavily and plopped onto my bed. Fatigue pressed into me as i drifted into a deep sleep. 

My fingers brushed against soft grass as i sat up in a large valley. Panic surged through me as i noticed the man that haunted my dreams every night. I edged away as he stared at me with the all too familiar grin of his. "It's been a while since the day i had my fun and marked you, hasn't it?" Tears sprung up into my eyes. 

"No no no no NO You aren't real!" I screamed. He grined again. He pressed a rough hand to my wrist, instinctively winced, remembering the pain i felt that day. "My touch is very real. Did you miss it?" I turned away and felf something stab my palm. I looked down and saw my razor i had used for things other than shaving. My first thought was to stab him, but, from previous experience with dream-walking quirks, i slashed my bare thigh. 

A cry of outrage came from him as i faded out of the dream. I jolted awake and landed on the floor with a thud. I scrambled to the bathroom and locked the door. "Izuku? Are you alright?" A worried Todoroki asked from the other side of the bathroom door, since my dumb self left the bedroom door unlocked. 

"Yea- OW" I said with a yelp as i acedentally scrached the cut on my thigh. Ther seemed to be alot of blood, i must have cut deeper than i thought. The door opened to reveal a startled Todoroki. He stayed silent and shut the door. He grabbed the already blood-soaked rag from my hand and gently dabbed the cut. We sat in silence as he patched me up. After he finnished, he sat for a second, unmoving. Then, in a weak voide, he said, "I know what its like to feel like no one cares, no one understands, no one will listen, thats why i have these," He pulled his pajama pants down on the right so i could see his hip, or what was left. There were so many little purplish scars, he looked like a zebra. I choked back a sob. 

"Then i realized that i did have people in my life who loved me, and i opened up, then i got the help i needed, still am. You dont have to tell everyone, just someone wholl help. Can you do that for me?" Tears spilled over and i nodded . He held me while i cried for what seemed lik days. "Thank you, no wonder youre my best friend." I said trough sobs. He grrinned and held me tighter. 

"I-I'm so fucking sorry... I wanted to tell you so many times, but I didn't think you would understand or care enough to help. I'm sorry." The last words were barely audible through my sobs echoed through the dark bathroom. 

He smiled slightly and hugged me. "Don't ever feel that way again, because I love you and I'll die if anything happens to you and I knew that the there was something I could have done. And if you can't love yourself, I'll do it for you, okay?"

I nodded and wipped the stream of tears from my eyes. I wished that I wouldve told him sooner. 

He grinned, "I also happen to know a certain blonde that would happily love you too." I turned to him and playfully hit his hand. "Hush. Now help me clean this up."


Hey besties! Im so sorry for not updating!  I know there r SO many spelling mistakes in this chpter, srry. Anywho~ Hope u enjoyed this chapter! I love you! 

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