Chapter 5🎃 Lifting Up the Mask

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Warning! Mentions of abuse and gore!

Rabbit Face watched as Katsuki slept peacefully by his side. A melancholy feeling pulls at his heartstrings as Katsuki cuddled closer to him for warmth. He didn't plan to kill the teen, that thought had never crossed his mind at all. Rabbit Face just wanted him by his side. He wanted to make up for the time that he's been gone. Watching Katsuki grow up from a distance was painful. Rabbit Face wanted to be by his side, protecting him and just being a good friend.

The day he ran away....he knew it was for the best. That was his way to protect Katsuki, and Katsuki's family from the horrible crime he committed that night. The night before he came by to trick or treat with Katsuki.

Waking him from his thoughts was the body that shifted next to him. Rabbit Face smiles behind the mask. His hand reaches up and lays gently on the other male's cheek. Katsuki leans into it, his cheek squishing against the calloused hand before relaxing once more. I can't keep him here...he deserves to live out the rest of his life happily. And I'm not a part of that happiness. Rabbit Face's smile falls, the thought of that being factual making his heart break.

     "Why...why can't I ju-just be with you?"

      He slowly lifts the bottom of the mask up. Half of his face appearing. He sits up more so that he could look down at Katsuki comfortably. Wow...he's grown up so much. He massages Katsuki scalp, cooing when the male leaned into that touch too. What he didn't know was that Katsuki had woken up. And now the blonde was staring at him in suspicion. Rabbit Face's cheeks burned hot and he scoots back, his mask falling back down on his head.

      "Why the fuck are you watching me sleep?"

      "I-I wasn't trying to! I-I mean I was....b-but just looked very p-peaceful."

      Katsuki narrowed his gaze at the killer. "Peaceful? Why is that so amusing to you?"

      Rabbit Face plays with his thumbs. "Wh-why...aren't you afraid of me anymore? Y-you seem so comfortable around me. But....why?" Katsuki exhales through his nose in agitation. He sits up and faces the man. "Why should I be afraid of you? You haven't done shit to me, besides kidnap me of course."


      "Do you want me to be afraid of you?"

     "N-no! I just feel should go back home. Where you belong."

      That seemed to make Katsuki a little angry. How dare this bastard tell him what to do! Katsuki was old enough to make his own decision. And the stupid ones he would make are just lesson he'd learn. "Don't tell me what to do", he murmurs.

"H-huh?" The way Katsuki was glaring made Rabbit Face fee frightened. It was something he had never get before, but he was sure if looks could kill he'd be dead on the spot. "I told you NOT to tell me what to do! Don't tell me where I belong! And don't tell me how to live! Go back to where I belong? How do you know that I wanna go back home!? What if I wanted...!"

Katsuki stopped himself before his last words came out. He felt flustered by the words the bounced around in his brain, ready to be spewed out of his mouth. Katsuki thought about the moments he's spent with Rabbit Face. Besides the day he first opened his eyes to his new environment, there wasn't a moment where he was determined to get away. Feeling as if the place was hell. Katsuki has enjoyed his time being with Rabbit Face. While everyone that heard of him believed that he was a deranged serial killer, Katsuki knew that he was actually a gentle giant.

"Have you even considered that...maybe I just wanted to stay with you?"


Rabbit Face's silence allows Katsuki to continue on with his spill of emotions. "It is not your place to tell me what I can and can not have. And what I can and can not do. It's my choice. D-don't push me away." Katsuki get defeated as he slumps forward on Rabbit Face. His hands were on his broad shoulders. The man was thankful for the mask being on his head or else Katsuki would be able to see how warm his face was. "Y'know. You remind me of someone", Katsuki whispers. He reaches up and ruffles the faux fur of the mask. "He was in high school...but he protected me. But he was a wimp against his own bullies."

      The blonde turns his head up, seeing that the killer's head was tilted down. Possibly staring at him. "I always wonder where Deku is. He disappeared right after we went trick or treating. I doubt he's okay, he's probably lonely...or dead."

      "Wh-why think of something s-so morbid?"

     Katsuki shrugs, "dunno. I just don't look at life like it's all cupcakes and rainbows." He was quick to sit up, staring the man down. His cheeks bloomed pink, his brain not sure what's going to happen next while his heart is racing. Knowing exactly what he wanted. "Rabbit? Can I...kiss you?"

"K-k-k-kiss? H-how?"

"...just lift your mask up. Dummy."

Rabbit Face was quick to bring his hands up to his protective face covering. "U-u-um I uh....K-Ka–."

"Come oonnnnn~. Don't be a square, just a little kiss."

"But wh-why?"

Katsuki exhales and stands up. "Forget it, I'm just messing with you anyways. I'm gonna make dinner. What do you–?" Rabbit Face pulls him back down. Their noses are touching...well, Katsuki's nose is touching the nose of the mask. His mouth goes dry, an argument going on in his head about doing or not doing what the other wanted. With little haste, Rabbit Face lifts his mask from the bottom. His stops when it passes his nose. Katsuki gasped in astonishment. He could see freckles sprinkled onto his cheeks along with the scar that was slashed from the left side of his cheek, across the bridge of his nose, and up the right side of his face.

     Katsuki wasn't usually the one to show that he cared in a straightforward way. But he couldn't help but touch the scar on the left cheek. "You poor looks like you've been through hell." Watching that charming smile appear made Katsuki feel the butterflies in his stomach. "You could say that."

      "Heh, you didn't stutter either." Katsuki whispers as he cups Rabbit Face's cheeks. When he tilts his head up, the mask falls completely and he's met face-to-face with a charming beast. Dark, doe green eyes stare up at him with a sense of serenity. He had little bags underneath his eyes. His hair was bushy and green as well, some of the curls were tangled together. The man had such a cherubic face with a hardcore body. "Damn, you are fucking hot." Katsuki didn't realize he said it aloud until a deep chuckle vibrated in his ears. "Thank you...I-I never felt that way."

      "Why? Because some dumb ass people told you that you weren't? Well don't listen to them!" Katsuki leans in closer, their lips fairly brushing against each other. "Listen to me, because I matter more than any-fucking-body. Got that?"

      Katsuki's words made Rabbit Face feel whole. Something he never felt in his entire life because everyone tore him down about his looks. It wasn't his fault that his mother tried to slice his in half to stop him from crying. It wasn't his fault that his father was abusive to them both. Was it his fault that he purposely stabbed the man because he was sick of the bullshit? Was it his fault because he pushed his mother off of the balcony because he was trying to get her to stop hitting him? He doesn't know, Rabbit Face may never know.

      But right now, he didn't want to think about his terrible past. He wanted this warm, fuzzy feeling to stay. He just....wanted happiness.

Rabbit Face goes in for the taking, pressing his slightly chapped lips against Katsuki's. Their kiss starts off as sweet. But then Katsuki nibbles his bottom lip, making the greenette let out a soft moan. Allowing the other to slip in his tongue. They slowly flip their positions over. Katsuki wraps his arms around Rabbit Face, keeping him close. They pull away from the kiss, but they stare deeply into each other's eyes. Katsuki grins at him and pulls Rabbit Face down for another kiss.

After that, he wakes up to a white room with the potent smell of disinfectant, the beeping sound of a monitor, a vague memory and a aching heart at the realization that he wasn't in the cabin with the killer he fell for...and his old childhood friend.

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