Chapter 3🎃 Warm Cabin

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      The first thing Katsuki heard before opening his eyes is the sound of crackling. It's warm, wherever he is. It feels like he's sitting on hardwood floor. Wh-where the hell am I? Slowly, he opens his eyes and allow them to adjust to the dim room. The once regained consciousness, he looked around the cozy living room of a cabin, the fireplace setting off a warm glow to the room.

     He looks out of the window, it was pitch black outside. But Katsuki could see that there were trees all around this place. For all he knew, this place could be deep in a wooded area. The eighteen year old stands up, wobbling a bit as he did so. He hears the clinking sound metal. Katsuki looks down and sees that his ankle was shackled, the chain attached to the wooden wall. Katsuki groans and bends down to tug at it. It barely budges from its placement on the wall.

"Uuggghhh!" Katsuki pulls harder at the chain. Desperate to break it off. However, he freezes once he hears the door creak open and heavy footsteps are heard on the floor. Katsuki turns around, facing his masked kidnapper. He could feel his knees begin to quake, but he didn't dare give in and let them buckle to the ground in fear. His cherry red eyes glare menacingly at the killer. "Why do you have me chained up? Why don't you just kill me?"

The killer closes the door and locks it. Instead of going over to Katsuki, he ignores him and heads inside of another room, seemingly the kitchen since the ash blonde boy got a glimpse of a refrigerator. "Hey! Can't you hear?! Asshole! I'm talking to you!" Katsuki is still ignored, pots and pans are heard clinging together in the kitchen. Katsuki growls in anger and gets back to work with trying to pull the chain from the wall.

    Uggghhh! Fuck! Why am I still trying?! It's bolted in firmly...and it looks brand new.

     Katsuki leans on the wall, taking in his surroundings once more. Strangely enough, he thought to himself, this idiot doesn't have me in some dark unknown area with no windows to tell where I am....but I'm sure we're really deep in the woods. Katsuki pats his thigh subconsciously when he realizes that his phone is gone. "Hey....where the–? Hey asshole! Where the fuck is my phone?!" Katsuki grabs the bookshelf that is beside him and starts grabbing books. He begins to throw them at the doorway, some managing to slide into the kitchen. He waits for the killer to emerge.

And like he thought his plan would do, the man comes from the kitchen. He's wearing dirty black apron over his blood stained clothes. And he's still wearing the damn mask! Katsuki frowns, "where the fuck is my phone, dipshit?"

      The killer looks away.

      "I asked you a question."

      As Katsuki waits for an answer, the killer retreats back into the kitchen. Never coming out.

Wh-what? WHAT THE FUCK?!


There's a tap on his shoulder. Then another, and another. Until Katsuki grumbles irritably and slowly opens his eyes. His cherry red eyes glance over at the killer standing above him. A cream colored bowl in his hand. Katsuki slowly sits up, never keeping his eyes off of the killer. How long have I been asleep? Has he been watching me? "What? You tryna drug me?"

The killer shakes his head, the mask helping him much with his sincere act of kindness. "How am I supposed to believe you", Katsuki asks.


Katsuki leans in closely, "what?"

" F-food....good...f-for you."

Katsuki was surprised by the deep voice that came behind the wicked smile of the mask. He killer stuttered too, possibly due to the fact that he was not very used to other human interaction. Katsuki could see his hand begin to visibly shake, yep. Definitely having an anxiety attack. "I'm really not hung–." His stomach growls loudly, betraying him without question. The stew did smell extremely good. And Katsuki couldn't remember the last he ate before being kidnapped.

He reaches up slowly to not startle the man and takes the bowl. It was warm, and it seemed as if the closer he got to bringing it to his face, the better it smelled. " you."

The killer nods and walks over to the fireplace, throwing logs to feed the flames. Katsuki hummed to himself at the warmth he was feeling. He then glances down at the bowl in his hands and plays with the spoon. He lifts it up; meat, a potatoe, and some vegetables on the spoon. Katsuki takes a deep breath and brings it into his mouth, swallowing the food down and putting it back in the bowl. "It's...not bad", he mumbles, "could use a little more seasoning though. Possibly something spicy. But...not bad."

Katsuki hadn't realized that the killer had heard him. With the mask on his head, Katsuki surely would not be able to see the smile he has on his face.

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