Chapter 11

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Practice went on as it usually did, at first. All of us ran down the muddy trail that swooped through the woods and around the school, making our way back to the track. I was the first to make it back to the track, everyone else trailing behind, Vera included.

As I stretched on the track while waiting for the other students to return, Mr. Lee slowly walked up to me, the sun shining down on his curly hair that looked lighter in the sunlight. His glasses were off and his blue eyes shined bright like the color of electricity, and there was no doubt that his gaze was just as effective. Especially when his eyes stayed glued to my face as he walked over. I tried not to look so prepared for him to talk to me, but I couldn't help it.

I couldn't just stretch and act like a man with a body relevant to a male model wasn't walking over to me, because he was. It wasn't just that, either. His face was worthy enough to drool over, not that I would be stupid enough to do so, especially when he snapped me out of my mental rant by appearing mere inches away from me.

"Poppy," he greeted, a smile tugging the right side of his mouth. "You are truly exceptional. It's been a while since we've had such a dedicated runner with such talent."

I smiled in response. Just as I was planning on what to say next, in which I even grabbed my notepad from my hoodie pocket, rain started calmly pouring down, covering the small area in between the track like a glassy clear sheet. Mr. Lee and I both looked up at the sky at the same time.

"That was unexpected," he chuckled deeply. I nodded in agreement.

The rest of the team started making their way towards us, until eventually the students started swarming around everywhere, cutting me and Mr. Lee's tiny connection almost immediately. He nodded in my direction and headed to Mr. Falliner, and I stared sadly at him walking away.

"His posture is perfect," Vera observed as she took a place next to me as the rain began to pelt a bit harder. She secured her damp pony-tail.

"He's looking at you again," she whispered, a giggle escaping her lips. "You would look really hot with him, no lie."

As much as I wanted to believe that he was looking at me, I couldn't quite jump to the conclusion that he was.

"Take your hair out of your bun. And take off your hoodie." Vera demanded, already grabbing the sleeves of my black baggy hoodie that resembled a little bit of something you'd pull out of the trash. I didn't like insulting my hoodie, but it really wasn't the prettiest. That didn't mean I wanted to take it off, though. The navy blue tank-top was skin tight underneath.

I refused to take out my notepad because it would get soaked in the forceful drizzling, but I wanted to object instantaneously that I didn't feel comfortable taking off my hoodie.

However, this was one of the main disadvantages of not speaking. I was really fond of Vera, but sometimes she was too pushy and I couldn't exactly tell her that. She was my only friend and I felt honored to be in that position because all the other students looked at her as if she were royalty. She looked like it, that was for sure. There was no denying that she was so different-looking in a beautiful way. But out of all these students, she was my friend. It was truly an honor and I was more than grateful for her company.

She grabbed the bottom of my hoodie and pulled it right over my head, messing up my damp bun in the process. My arms instantly started dripping with rain water, and the bare and naked feeling etched right into my chest, along with my insecurities. I wasn't naked obviously, but wearing a tank top and shorts felt a bit odd. The rain did feel relaxing, though.

"Now take out your hair or I'll do it for you," Vera said as she studied me, moving back a few steps in the process.

I reluctantly pulled out my bun and watched in the corner of my eye as my blond tips came into view, dropping just above my shoulders. I shook out my hair and flipped it over. The rain began to pelt even harder, my hair becoming more and more wet as we stood.

"He's definitely checking you out. So are a few other students. Take a look," she said excitedly as she grabbed my hips and twisted my body around so I was facing most of the people. And I hated to admit it, but she was right.

A guy with an acne filled face was staring at me and talking to his friend at the same time. Then they both glanced at me, talking in unison about things I will probably never hear.

"Not him," Vera said, her voice laced with annoyance. "Him." She faced me right towards Mr. Lee, who was actually looking right at me. And it was the most sexiest thing I had ever experienced.

His lips looked so full, and I could see the tiny rain drops fall from his upper lip to his bottom, and every few seconds a drop would slide into his mouth. The curls in his hair were damp against his forehead and his white t-shirt was completely see-through. I felt so hot and unfamiliar with myself when his eyes burned a path around my face, my hair, my body. I watched him clear his throat and turn his attention to someone else. I looked away and stared at Vera, who was smirking right at me.

I actually felt hot. It was as if I had some type of fever that felt wonderful. My bones felt weak, my cheeks were heated and I felt really warm in my lower stomach. It was the first time I'd really felt attracted to someone. Why, out of all people, did it have to be someone so forbidden? Whatever I was feeling for this man was unacceptable, and I felt ashamed for even feeling this way. And who knows how old he was. He didn't look old at all, but the possibility of him being above thirty was wrong. And it was also a bit exciting. But holy hell, it almost felt magnetizing to have his attention on my body and my face like that.

"I think we'll cut it short today." Mr. Lee announced as he looked around at the students standing in the wrath of the crying clouds. "Everyone can head inside. Great practice today. Our first meet is tomorrow, please be prepared."

When I arrived home that afternoon, the rain continued to cover our town heavily. According to my dad, it wasn't supposed to stop until tomorrow night. I wondered if the meet was going to be canceled.

"How was school?" Dad asked as he scooped chocolate ice cream into my bowl. Both of us were seated at the kitchen table.

I didn't like using my notepad with my dad. I couldn't shake the feeling of disrespect. Of course, it wasn't disrespect at all but his eyes held so much disappointment when I kept quiet. I decided on trying out of voice.

"Cross country," I said, almost too quiet to hear, pausing for a few seconds to take a breath, "is really fun."

The only thing was that after I heard my voice, a horrific image of my mother burning in the flames popped in my head. I cried out in emotional pain and fell off my chair with a thud, tears instantly pouring down my cheeks.

"Oh honey," Dad spoke quietly. He got off of his own chair and retrieved a blanket from the living room. He sat on the floor next to me, wrapping the blanket around my heaving form. "You don't have to ever speak if you don't want to. We will work on that whenever you want to. Okay?"

I nodded and slowly snuggled into him. I eventually fell asleep on his lap and was carried to my bedroom an hour later, but when sleep blanketed me, my mother haunted my dreams.

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