Dutch day

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You woke up and got ready for hell I mean school. Who the hell invented school that shit is dumb af. You remembered that today was dutch day or some dumb shit. You also had to present your projects today. It was gonna be hella scary because you were alone on this.

You went outside to see Nassor waiting for you as usual. " You shouldn't really wait for me, you know I'm still grounded." You said. " It's not like your parents can see me, they aren't even here." He replied. Nassor always had his reasons to be around you, even if you two weren't supposed to be together.

You sat in class waiting for the teacher to arrive. Why are they so slow? Like what are they doing? Whatever you just wanted class to get over with even though it didn't even start yet. You looked around at all the other kid's trifolds and other wacky shit. You brought yours in on Monday since you got done on Sunday.

Mr. Rice Coochie finally came into class and observed everyone's projects. On gawd he was like the scariest teacher ever. He just looks scary lol...but still. " You will all be selected randomly today, since we don't have much time." He said. Welp...that just made your day way better 🙂.......( Not really)

" Victor and Elsa, you're up." He said. You watched the two of them get their projects and go up to present. " Our project is on psychiatry. " Elsa said. You kinda fucking hated Elsa no offense. You kinda hated everyone here actually. This was still more interesting than throwing paper darts at the ceiling and watching it fall on other kid's heads.

They began to talk about mental shit and shit. They talk a lot of shit lol. Tbh they were calling out a lot of shit that you do which is kinda spooky. You thought that maybe you had some mental issues anyway....lol. " you two can just put your stuff next to my desk." Mr. Rice Crispy said after they finished. " Toshiaki and Bob, it's your turn." He said.

Your legs shook like fuck because of the anxiety. You did not want to present today. You were just glad they didn't call you yet. Toshiaki and Bob walked up with something covered by cloth, and a small trifold. " Our project is on biology." Bob said. After bob said that, Toshiaki removed the cloth from the object. It was a small cage with a dead rabbit inside. Everybody in the class, including the teacher gasped.

" I told you not to kill it." Toshiaki hissed. " I-I didn't mean to." Bob stammered. Mr. ripe pussy quickly stood up. " That's enough. You two go to the office." He said. You watched the two boys pack their shit up and go to the office. You looked over at Nassor, who was trying to hold back a laugh. That little bitch, he hates Toshiaki.

" Edgar and Nassor, come up." He said. Hah. You watched Nassor and the hunchback of notre dame walk up. Lol it's just like frollo and quasimodo..." Our project is on death." Edgar said enthusiastically. Nassor just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, because he hates edgar too. You kinda like edgar though. He hates everyone in this school just as much as you do. Toshiaki was kinda like the only person you didn't hate. Nassor seemed to hate Toshiaki the most though.

They began their presentation and took turns reading. It wasn't that bad actually. You liked death a lot so this was fun listening to. They ended their presentation and went back to their seats. " Y/n, looks like it's your turn." Mr rice shitsy said. You felt your heart drop to yo ass hole. Oh my gawd. You stood up and grabbed your project. You swore to god everyone was watching your every move.

You shakily put your trifold up so your classmates can see. " Uh...my project is on ( whatever the heck u picked)." You said. You looked to your right to see the teacher writing down on a piece of paper. Oh my God screw anxiety man you were finna die.

You began to explain the topic and shit. It wasn't really going that bad but you were still spooked af. You finally finished after stuttering and shaking like you saw a ghost say ' boo motha fucka lemme see yo asshole beohohoho'. You put your shit in the pile over other shit and sat down at your desk. Why does everything have to be so embarrassing?!

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