it's over

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It was Monday and you obviously had school. You didn't really want to think about Halloween, it was weird. But hey your life is weird. At least you still had your candy, which didn't have razor blades in it. And let's just say your parents weren't the happiest when they found out you slept over Nassor's. You got up and ready for school as always. School was definitely boring but I guess it's essential, even though 98% of what you learn is a waste. You went outside and to your surprise, Nassor wasn't there. You just tried to ignore it for now, even though it's unusual for him not to be there.

You sat in class, waiting for your teacher to arrive, as per usual. Nassor was at school today, but you didn't want to ask him why he wasn't there. It would just make things awkward. Toshiaki was at school too. You felt bad for what you did to him at the party. If you knew it was his house, you probably wouldn't have done it. It made you feel horrible every second of the day. You just tried to pay attention to class today. You didn't want to think of anything else for the rest of the day.

" Y/n, I would like to see you after class." Mr rice pussy said. You looked up at him and back down at your work. " Oh shit what did I do now?!" You thought. You tried focusing on your work before the bell rung. Everybody fled the classroom, leaving you and the teacher behind.
" Uh...why did you need me?" You asked him. You watched him open a drawer in his desk, than pull out a file. " I just want to know why you are failing." He said.

" Oh thank god, I'm not in trouble." You thought. You dropped your shoulders in relief. " Uh I don't know." You said. He pulled out a few papers, that has f's on them. " You were doing so good a week ago, why is it that you are failing now?" He asked. You just shrugged your shoulders in response. " I want you to pick up your grades." He demanded. You rolled your eyes and sighed. " Ok." You said before leaving his class. Damn today was starting to suck ass.

You quickly ran to your next class, which was math. God math sucks donkey dick. You opened the door, and everyone looked over to you. " Y/N! why are you late?!" Your math teacher asked. You closed the door behind you. " I was pulled after cla-" you were suddenly cut off. " I don't care anymore, go sit down." He said pointing to your empty seat. You groaned and stomped over to your seat. " Somebody's moody today." Said a very salty Toshiaki. If anything, he's the one who's moody.

" What?" You asked him. Toshiaki glared at you. " Don't act stupid with me y/n. Everyone saw you stomp your way over here." He said angrily. You sighed and looked away for a second. " I'm sorry." You told him. He just rolled his eyes. " You think that's going to solve all my problems? I'm grounded because of you y/n." He huffed. " Well technically, it's not all my fault." You said. " Y/N! first you are late, and now you are talking in my class?! Go to the office at once!" The teacher yelled.

You groaned and snatched your bag.
" Looks like someone's on their period!" You yelled before storming off. You heard the class laugh as you stomped your way to the principals office. As you were walking, you saw weird girl with her cat. You waved to her and she disappeared into the shadows. " That's really fucking weird....." You said to yourself quietly. This was your first time getting sent to the office here, you were kinda scared.

You opened the doors to the office and saw the principal. " Did your math teacher send you?" He asked. You rubbed the back of your neck. " Come sit down." He said. You went over to the seat in front of his desk. " Did you come into class late, interrupt the class, and say that your teacher was on his period?" He asked. You looked down at your feet. " Yes but in my defense he was being a jerk." You said. " Now you see, we can't allow that behavior here in this school. And for that you have a week of after school detention." He said.

" A week?! but I didn't even do anything wrong!" You protested. " I can make it two weeks." He threatened. You huffed and crossed your arms. " I'll see you tomorrow y/n. you should hurry, your next class will be starting shortly." Your principal told you. You grabbed your bag and rushed out of the office, and back to class. On the way there, you bumped into Toshiaki. He dropped his papers on the ground, like he's from a nickelodeon show or some shit.

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