new friend

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You were in class and gym was next period. You hated gym because of all the stupid ass straight boys screaming at you because you didn't kick a ball. And you hated it because you actually had to run, and jump, and all that shit in front of your entire class.

And wanna hear something surprising? The tall boy was staring at you again 😁 hehe. On god 🙏 that guy makes you want to leave the entire planet. It's sooo fucking creepy. Like tf.

The bell rang and you had to go to gym. The gym teacher was built like garnet from Steven universe. She was pretty. But we had to play dodgeball today. Shit. You hated dodgeball.

She made you team up with boys.......😃 Yuck. Okay but not gonna lie one of the boys were cute af no cap. He was asian and he looked evil af but that's cute. One of your team mates looked like hunch back of Notre Dame. And the other one was built like big chungus.
Ok so maybe your team sucked ass, but it was ok.

Oh yeah your team like absolutely fucking lost, like it would take forever for y'all to win. Also your stalker dude was only aiming for you. He hit you in the arm. Pretty sure you gotta bruise. Also you figured out your teammates names. They were Edgar, Bob, and Toshiaki. Toshiaki was the cute one. Bob was the big chungus kid. And Edgar was the hunchback of Notre Dame.

It was last period and for some reason tall boy wasn't there. Oh well at least you didn't have to get stared at. After that bullshit, Toshiaki walked towards you. " Hey y/n, we are playing baseball after school. You wanna come?" He asked. Your eyes widened in surprise. " Yeah sure." You said. YES BITCHES! you finally made a new friend. You grabbed your bag and left.

You sat on the bleachers and took out your diary. They didn't start the game yet so you had enough time to write.
Today was ok. The stalker boy hit me really hard with a ball, pretty sure I have a bruise. But he wasn't there last period. Also the cute boy asked if I could watch their game. So that's good. You closed your book once the game started.

You observed every player. There was of course, Toshiaki. And there were a few kids you didn't recognize It was stalker boy. He was across the field. He was watching you write in your book. Oh shit, you really couldn't escape him...

The game started and it was ok. Baseball wasn't your thing but you would watch it for a friend. Especially Toshiaki. Stalker boy only looked at you a few times because he was focused on the game. At least he wasn't staring at you like in class.

The game ended. You had no idea who won because you really weren't watching. But you were hoping Toshiaki won. You got up and put your heavy ass bag over your shoulder. Toshiaki walked towards the bleachers to get his stuff. " You did good." You said. " I know." He said confidently and walked off.

Stalker boy pov 😳:

I went to the bleachers where y/n once was. I saw a small black notebook, and grabbed it. I opened it and saw little doodles and some weird writing. I kept flipping pages till I found something upsetting.

"That boy. The tall one with broad shoulders. He's terrifying. I could feel him staring at me in every class we were in. I could even feel him staring while I was coming home. He's quiet, hasn't said a word. But I'm still scared."

Y/n is scared of me. Maybe I should stop staring. And maybe I should stop following them home. And maybe even stop taking pictures of them when they're not looking. But I didn't want to. I have a deep desire to be with y/n. They're everything to me. Even though I haven't talked to them yet. Maybe it's lust? Who knows.

I put the book in my bag and walked home. Once I get to my room I take out the book and read everything they wrote in it. They are a good writer, and artist. Maybe if I stop being so weird I can get to talk to them, and become their friend. I took out a pen and open their book.

Your pov 🥴:

You sat your bag down on your bed. Jeez today was weird. Actually everyday was. Oh well that was just your normal life, weird. You went to feed your hermit crabs and give them fresh water. You looked in the tank and your hermit crabs weren't in there. Your heart sank and your face went pale. You saw a shell move. Thank god. One of your hermit crabs changed shells. Maybe the others were molting, or just hiding.

Your hermit crabs haven't molted yet so it scared you at bit. You saw a small mound of dirt from their hole. Crabs are weird, they always burry themselves. You fed and watered them, then went back to your bed.

You looked for your black notebook but couldn't find it. Eh, might be in the void of your bookbag somewhere. You layed down on your bed and listened to ( insert whatever you listen to). Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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