chapter 5: The death note (Toker)

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       I woke up, Monday morning in my own bed, surprisingly. I rolled out of bed and looked into the mirror. Jeez I looked bad. No wonder random guys in the hallway don't fall in love with me.

    I started laughing to myself, those laughs turned in to tears real fast. I need help. I miss the old me. I used to be there for my friends, now i'm all messed up. I wish I could go back to being me, but it's to exhausting and just completely overrated to start trying again. Oh to just disappear without people getting hurt.
     I go downstairs to check on my mom, she was my only legal guardian. My dads gone, and my mom lays in bed all day. Bipolar disorder, it's a dangerous thing.
   One day my moms all excited and insane and selling houses. The next thing you know, she laying in bed all day. She's been like this longer then usual. The only way we are actually financially stable is because my dad died in the war, we still get checks every month. I use it to pay the bills, and feed my mom. I don't remember the last time I actually ate.

    I look into my moms room, and she's just laying there. I go to the kitchen and grab her some take out from the fridge and i heat it up, and walk quietly to her night stand. I set it down without waking her up.

I went upstairs to go get ready for school. Normally i'd pop a Xanax and be on my way, but I really want my life back. It's really hard not to but, i'm desperate at this point. I check my phone. I have about 1,000 messages, and 40 missed calls . I'm not even gonna bother checking those. The only texts or calls i answer now are from Tristan, for my needs.

   After I brushed and straighten my blonde hair, I kept my pajamas on because I was having a rough morning. I still had an hour till I had to leave for school. Then I instantly remembered the notebook I found outside on Friday. I ran to my backpack, and grabbed the notebook, my heart started beating after I read the big bold letters on the book.
"Death note"
I open the book and the first page was rules. I read the rules out loud.

"Rule #1: Write the persons full name down after looking at there face.

Rule #2: Within 60 seconds that specific person will die. If you didn't specify there death, they will simply die of a heart attack.

Rule #3: After touching the book, if you don't write someone name within 72 hours, you will die of a heart attack.

Rule #4: This book isn't only for death, try writing in it, your specific spirit will answer. Good luck.

I dropped the book. I immediately realized I already touched the book, meaning if I don't kill someone, in the next 72 hours, I will die.. I cant believe it. This cant be real. I run to my desk and i open up my computer and search up, criminals in my area. I clicked the first thing that came up, and it was my neighbor. Apparently he has like three rape allegations. I look at his picture that popped up, and i grab a pencil and wrote down his full name in the book. "Gerald Smitherman" I scribbled down in the first page of the book.
I count 60 seconds to myself. I sat in the same seat for another five minutes just thinking about how this is my life, and when i stood up. I heard a really loud siren outside my house. I look out my window and there was an ambulance outside at my neighbors house.
I couldn't believe it. The book was real. I pick up the book and hide it, so that no one touches it. I put it on top of the tapestry on my ceiling. No one would look there.
My phone started beeping, signaling i need to leave to get to school. I run downstairs and grab my skateboard. My high school (Shadow-ridge high school) , was only a mile away from my house.

   When I arrived at my school, I ignored the judge-mental eyes, I felt so powerful, I could kill every single one of these bitches within seconds. I felt so good, even though I was wearing pajamas I felt better then all of these stupid girls. I heard my name being called from behind me, it was Tristan.
"Hey Toker, You okay?" he said in a concerned voice.
I relied, "Yeah, why i'm fine"
"You sure? You were very messed up last night, and said some scary things, Luke's worried".  He said.
"Oh yeah i feel good today" I said back.
"Well I'm glad that you are better, you really scared me" he looked at me very seriously.
   I didn't even ask Tristan what I had said but I guess  that explains all the messages from Luke.
   When I got to 1st period I didn't even walk up to Sage. She probably wouldn't care no matter what I said.
    After 1st period, I walked down to my next class which was some stupid up lifting class, I just took it because it's an easy credit, I used to really like it, we wrote poetry and letters to families, but now i'm just sick of it. When I sat down in my seat, I saw the same guy from the hallway walk into the class.

    "Hello Spencer" said my preppy teacher (ms amber).
   "Class, you probably already know spencer but he switched periods, so be nice." she said right after.

He sat down a couple seat in front of me. I kept repeating his name in my head (Spencer Spencer Spencer), that I wouldn't forget it. I always seem to be forgetting things. I honestly don't even know if I'm sober right now.

    When school was over I grabbed my skateboard out of the office and started skating home. I went straight home, to see if I wasn't just daydreaming about the book. When I got there my moms car wasn't there. I started to panic, I called her and she picked up:
     "Hello dear, I'm just picking up some groceries, are you home?"
      "Uh yeah.. Are you okay?"
"Yes honey i'm perfectly fine" she replied.
      "okay mom i got to go".
I wasn't too surprised, I'm just glad she's finally out of bed. I go up to my room, and find the book where I left it. I wasn't just trippin. I've never kept a secret very well, especially from my friends, but I had to tell someone. The next thing I know, I'm impulsively calling Sage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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