Chapter 1

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Chiyo Pov

I rush around eagerly sealing all my things into scrolls, "You sure are ready to go home aren't you kid." I smile brightly, "Hell ya Touma its been two in a half years!! I can't wait to see everyone!!" He hmm's a little, "Everyone or a certain someone?~" I can feel my face heat up and Touma's laughter echo's in my head, stupid old lizard.

I cover my eyes as Kai lands, "Rai said have a safe trip and Zai told me to tell you quote 'Chiyo I hope you fall off of Kai's back you annoying brat.' They went to go hunt for food by the way." My eye twitches Zai was the older brother of the three and had control over fire, he's so mean too!! I grumble and jump onto Kai's back, "Well you tell him I hope he runs into a tree!"

Kai pauses, "That wasn't a very good comeback Chiyo." I throw my hands in the air, "I know lets just go I want some Ichiraku ramen." He chuckles and launches in the air fast, I lay back with a smile on my face.

The last message I got from Touchan said he and Naruto where heading back to the Leaf, they should be getting there today actually. I'm just ready to see everyone again, I wonder how much they've all changed.

Sakura Pov

I punch Naruto in the face, "Are you kidding me!!" I stomp right over to him pissed and grab him by the collar of his shirt, "What the hell is wrong with you, you filthy perv!! We don't see each other for two in a half years and you've got the nerve to pull that crap!"

"Geez she has the same strength as Kaachan." My head snaps over and I freeze in place standing right next to Master Jiraiya was a taller more mature Chiyo. Her jawline was more define her outfit was a little more revealing, my eyes trail her body lingering on her stomach. "What the hell how are you the same height as me!!" I snap out of my daze and see Naruto had gotten out of my grip and is now standing next to Chiyo.

She shrugs, "Blame Touchan." Chiyo then turns to me and smiles, "Good to see you Sakura." Her voice was smooth but firm and it made my knees go weak a little, "G-Glad to see your back." Ughhhh why did I stutter!

She runs her fingers threw her hair, "We should probably get going to Kaachan's office." I linger back and watch as she talks with her Tousan, clenching my chest I smile slightly. I had realized my crush on Chiyo when we where in the Land of Rice looking for Sasuke. The way she gives her all to protect the ones she cares for is amazing.

We arrive at Lady Tsunade's office, she smiles at both Naruto, Chiyo and Master Jiraiya. "Good to see you three, I hope the training you both did was worth it." Jiraiya put's his hands on his hips, "You think me and Naruto would have come back if it hadn't?"

Chiyo smirks, "Kaachan would you expect anything less from me?" She chuckles a little, "I'm glad to hear, I'm ready for you two to show me." Chiyo raises a brow, "Right now against who?" Lady Tsunade smirks, "I have someone I would like you to go up against and I kept him off of missions the last few day's so he would be at full strength. Your opponent will be-!" She's cut off when there's a knock on the door, I see Chiyo grin from the corner of my eye.

Does she know who it is by there chakra, "Come in!" The door opens and in walks in Shikamaru along with Temari, "Hey Shikamaru, Temari look whose back." They both look at them in shock causing Chiyo to laugh, "Wow I missed Shikamaru's expressions and it's good to see you Temari." Shikamaru smiles, "It both of you Chiyo and Naruto."

Naruto finally reacts, "Hey Shikamaru!" Temari was staring at both Chiyo and Naruto pretty hard, "Look at you two who would ever believe your the same knucklehead kid and annoying girl." Chiyo narrows her eyes, "Shika I may just have gotten back but I will tell your Kaachan that your being mean to me again." He sighs, "Well maybe you haven't changed..."

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