Filler 2 (Jealous)

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Chiyo pov
I walk around in between Naruto and Sakura as we make our way to a team shop. Naruto whines, "Oh come on you guys why can't we just get some tasty Ichiraku ramen."

Sakura's eye twitches, "Because Naruto we always eat there!" He pouts crossing his arms over his chest, "Oh lighten up Naru it will do you some good to get something other than ramen in you." We enter the tea shop, me and Sakura sit on one side and Naruto on the other.

A waitress comes over here eyes lingering on me a little to long for my liking.

"What can I get you guys."

Sakura orders first, "Ill have some mango kuzomochi with some jasmine tea." Naruto scratch his head looking at the menu, "Um just get me some green tea and a plate of dango." As soon as she finishes writing down his order she leans down closer to me.

Giving me a clear view of her cleavage, I quickly look away. The ceiling looks pretty great here, "And for you sweetheart." I cringe a little, "I'll just take a green tea too with some Dorayaki." She brushes her hand against my arm, "I'll be right back." As soon as she leaves I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Chiyo she was all over you I think she likes you!" I could feel the anger coming off of Sakura, "I kind of noticed Naruto." He leans out of the booth looking in the direction the waitress went in. He grins, "You should ask her on a date she's really pretty!"

I really want to punch him in the face right now. I spot Sakura's clenched fist next to my hand. Slowly I take her hand in mine unclenching her fist and interwineing our fingers. Sakura relaxs slightly and i give her a small smile, "I'm not interested in her or anyone Naruto."

The waitress come back setting everything on the table. Her gaze focusing on me once more, "Can I get you anything else?" I smile kindly, "No I think we're good thank you." She sets a piece of paper next to my tea and winks at me.

"Let me know if you need anything."  I sigh a little as she walks away, Naruto grabs the piece of paper reading it eagerly. I take a bite of my Dorayaki, "What's it say?"

"She wants to meet at Yakiniku Q later." Sakura leans over the table and snatches the paper from his hands. Then she tear it into tiny pieces brushing the pile aside. She huffs taking an angry bite of her kuzomochi, "Sakura what was that for?!" Naruto yells slightly, "Naruto its fine like I said I don't like her so I wouldn't have gone either way."

"I don't get it you had these girls basically throwing themselves at you those 6 months you where with me and pervy-sage. But you di-."

"Chiyo let me out." Sakura mutters and I frown but I stand up. Sakura slides out the booth pulling out her wallet and basically slamming the money on the table. It cracks a little before she walks away muttering under her breath.

"Sakura where you going?!"

"Sorry Naru I got to go too."

I quickly put money on the table and run outside ignoring Naruto's shouts. I jog up to Sakura, "Sakura talk to me."

But she continues walking ignoring me completely, "Sakura." Again no response so I do the most logical thing I could think of. Grabbing her arm I pull her into an alley and pin her to the wall. Sakura crosses her arms over her chest puffing her cheeks out slightly. She was avoiding my eyes so I gently grab her chin tilting her head up slightly.

I lean down letting our lips brush together before I close the distance for a soft kiss. It takes a minute for her to respond but when she does I can't help but smile a little. Sakura places her hands on my shoulders and pushes me away gently.

Her cheeks had a tint of pink, "Stop im supposed to be mad at you."

"Tell me what's got you so upset my love." She rest her forehead on my shoulder, "I got jealous okay."

I wanted to say something very sarcastic but that will just piss her of again. So I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. I rub her back, "Sakura you have no reason to be jealous your the one I want okay."

She lifts her head, "I know but it still makes my blood boil when girls just flirt with you like that. And then Naruto saying you had them just throwing themselves at you. What if one of them actually manages to...." Sakura trails off looking down at the ground.

"Sakura look at me." But she doesn't look up, "Sakura." I say a little more sternly and she slowly looks up. In her eyes where fear and sadness, "No one is going to steal me from you. Because I love you and only you, I don't want anyone else." A small smile grows on her face and she leans up connecting our lips.

She pulls back first much to my displeasure I can't help but whine a little.

"Sorry bub but I promised Ino I would hang out with her, Tenten and Hinata." I huff a little and pull away from her, "Fine but I'll walk you then." She smiles placing a kiss on my cheek, "Come on then I don't want to be late."


"Shut up Pop pop."

Sakura pov
After Chiyo left Ino and Tenten pulled me into Ino's house by my arms with Hinata trailing behind them. They basically interrogated me about our relationship. And I of course couldn't help but gush about her.

But then I can't help but frown when I think about that baka waitress at the tea shop.

"W-What wrong Sakura?" Hinata questions, "Nothing major just before I came here I went to a tea shop with Naruto and Chiyo. And this waitress there started to flirt with Chiyo right in my face."

"WHAT THAT BIT-!" Tenten covers Ino's mouth, "What did Chiyo do about it?"

"She was just acting polite like she normally would with everyone." Hinata nods, "I-I think she did the right thing." Ino huffs, "Are you kidding me she should have told that lady off!"

"Have you met Chiyo, Ino? She's too polite to do that to anyone." Ino suddenly smiles widely, "Wait ive got it what if you make Chiyo jealous Sakura."  I frown, "Why would I do that she's been nothing but good to me. Heck she even chased me down when I stormed out the tea shop all angry."

Tenten hums a little, "I think I see where Ino's wanting to go with this. Let's make her jealous so she can see how you feel when people flirt with her. Then she will be quicker shutting that stuff down." I hesitate, "Do you guys actually think it would actually work?"

"Of course it will! You'll hang out with her tomorrow and the three of us will use a complicated transformation jutsu posing as guys and flirt with you." Hinata cheeks turn a little pink, "W-Wait the three of us? I-Im not sure I can do it." Tenten pulls her into a side hug, "Come on Hinata we have to help Sakura out. Then after this we will find a way to make Naruto less dense!"

Her cheeks turn a darker shade as she slowly nods her head.

"O-Okay Ill try my best for you Sakura." We all squeal pulling a startled Hinata into a group hug.

Yes! Operation: Make Chiyo jealous is a go!

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