Plant Smoke and Rainbow Dreams

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Sero was high for the third time this week. It wasn't that bad, but he was trying to reduce how many times he did it. Sero was slumped over his beanbag, a joint in between his index and middle finger, its smoke wafting and disappearing into the air. Right next to him on the floor sat Midoriya shoving a spiked brownie into his mouth. Sometimes when Sero was smoking Midoriya would drop by asking for an edible or to simply hang out. Sero enjoyed his company; he liked having a friend while he smoked. He loved having a pal to share random high thoughts with and giggle over random noises or words with, but recently things had been different. Nothing completely out of the ordinary, but when he normally blacked out, he dreamed of getting up close and personal with Midoriya. A lot of kissing and dreams of them acting like a couple. It didn't bother him, but it made him start to develop a crush over the green haired boy.

"Serooooo, did you black out again?" Sero shook himself awake, his head turning over to Midoriya, who still sat next to him.

"Oh- yeah, I did, sorry about that, man." Sero smiled, placing his joint in the ashtray next to him. "I've just been absorbed in thought lately." Midoriya chuckled and looked at him, smiling.

"I feel ya! Honestly I've been in deep thought as well, even though that's kind of who I am." Sero and Midoriya shared a laugh and then stared at one another in awkward silence.

"Sooooo..." Sero trailed off, moving the ashtray away from him and onto his dresser. Midoriya shifted his attention to his friend.


"What have you been thinking about?" Sero asked, staring at the green-haired boy.

"Well... Mostly things like homework and hero training. You know, the things I always think about," Midoriya answered, laughing a bit. Sero smiled, not being able to help himself. "What about you?"

"Oh... Me? Nothing super important," Sero said, now moving his attention to the floor.

"It's not like my thoughts were that important either. Surely you have something interesting in that brain of yours," Midoriya said, pointing to Sero's head. Sero chuckled a bit.

"Interesting isn't the word I would use..."

"Oh come on. You can tell me!" Midoriya flashed him a reassuring smile, but Sero was far from assured. Sero knew he could never tell Midoriya what was actually going on in his head, so he did the one thing he could do. Lie.

"Oh, you know... I'm just thinking about... food," Sero said, hoping his answer was believable. Midoriya burst out in a loopy laugh, which made Sero smile again.

"Food? That's it?" Midoriya asked between giggles. Sero nodded.

"Yeah... I just don't want to think about the things that stress me out the most." Sero rubbed the back of his neck and revealed a weak smile.

"That makes sense. We all try to run away from our problems from time to time." Midoriya had no idea how true that statement was.

Sero felt his heart rate picking up speed. With no choice left, he started hyperventilating. Midoriya picked up on his quickened breathing and panic shot into his eyes.

"Sero! Are you alright???"

"Water.... Please." Sero strained to even speak. Midoriya jumped up from his spot on the floor and started racing for the common area.

"Hey Midobro! What's up?" Kirishima said as he looked at the rushing Midoriya entering the kitchen.

"Nothing, I just need water..." Midoriya tries getting on his tippy toes trying to reach a glass out of the tall cabinet. Kirishima noticed his struggle and reached up to grab the glass for him, handing it to Midoriya. "Thanks."

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