The Pretty Idiot on the Other Line (Part Three/Final)

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Author's Note: Hey! This last part is going to be SUPER short. We became kinda tired of this prompt after a bit and we are a little ancy to start a new story. We hope you guys enjoy this, nonetheless! -El Fay

Once they had gotten a waiter's attention, they were led to a small booth in the restaurant. Sero and Deku sat on one side, Kirishima and Bakugo on the other. Once they were comfortable in their seats, Bakugo immediately grabbed the menu and covered his face from Deku's view. Deku's brows furrow in response and they both avoided any contact with each other. Kirishima and Sero noticed the obvious tension in the air and exchanged worrisome glances.

"Hey, guys...?" Kirishima said softly. All he received in response was a low grunt from Bakugo. "Can we please just have a calm time together? This could be fun!"

"He's right," Sero said. "We could enjoy this... uh..."
"Date," Kirishima said. Sero flushed, as he felt Deku start to look right at him. Sero then looked at Deku to see if he was looking away, but was met with bright green eyes, staring right into his soul.

"A date..?" Deku asked, tilting his head a little to the right. Sero started to panic.

"U-Uh no-"

"Yes. This is a double date. That's what we planned." Kirishima smiled with a wide toothy grin, Sero could tell that he had to agree, or he would be served on a platter in front of a bloodthirsty redheaded shark.

"I-I-... yeah." Sero looked down, exhaling, as Kirishima stopped smiling and leaned in behind the menu to talk with Bakugo. Sero heard little giggles next to him, he turned his head to see Deku letting out little giggles, trying to muffle them behind his fist.

"Why are you laughing? I lied to you..." Sero said, ashamed and embarrassed. Deku's laughter ceased as he met eyes with Sero again.

"There's no need to be flustered. I guess... if we are being honest, a date with you sounds nice." Sero could feel his face become as red as a tomato as he tried to form the right words. What the hell was he even supposed to say to that? Did this mean Deku actually liked him? Would it be a bad idea to confess now? On a double date?

"I- Um... Really?" Sero finally blurted. Deku smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Ever since we met, I thought you were super cool. You were always so kind and welcoming to me even though we had just met. Frankly, after that first... uh, hangout... I wanted to become best friends! But now, that's kinda changed a bit," Deku said, a light pink spreading across his freckled face. At that moment, Sero was glad Kirishima and Bakugo were preoccupied.

"Changed?" Sero didn't want to assume anything and get his hopes up, but his racing heart and turning stomach said 'no'.

"Sero, I do really like you. And I mean that as in more than friends." Deku began to ramble. "I understand if you don't feel the same way. Just thought that maybe I should get it off my chest. If this makes things weird from here on out, I apologize in advan-" Sero cut him off by pulling him in and kissing him. What came over him... he'd never know. The two melted into the kiss and after a few moments, broke for air. It was now Deku whose face was bright red.

"Sorry," Sero said, "I thought it was a good idea at the time." Deku smiled.

"No... I liked it." The two boys stared at each other for a bit before breaking eye contact. Sero and Deku looked at the others to find out that they had been watching the whole time. Kirishima's mouth was wide open and Bakugo stared with an unreadable expression.

"Look at you two! Kissing on the first date!" Kirishima said with a wide smile.

"Shut up, Kiri," Sero mumbled. Deku giggled a bit. Bakugo scoffed and stared at the two of them, lowering the menu from his face.

"Whatever makes you idiots happy. I suppose I can support you both." Kiri smiled even wider now. Bakugo was pulled into a tight hug, that looked like it could crack a couple ribs.

"I knew you would turn around, Bakugo!" Kirishima kept his dopey grin on his face and Bakugo scoffed again, turning away from Kiri, a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

"Whatever." Sero sat there still with a shocked look on his face, happy that Bakugo had gotten over everything. He then felt a hand lay on his, Deku's hand rested right on top of his, and Deku gave his hand a light squeeze, followed with a soft smile. Sero smiled back.

"Welcome to Ground Zero, may I take your drink orders?" The waitress spoke, and as Kirishima and Bakugo were ordering, Deku whispered into Sero's ear,

"Maybe we can come back here another night just you and me?" Deku asked.

"I would love to."

THE END! We can finally begin working on a new prompt! Thank you guys for your support! -El Fay

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