Temple By The Sea (Part 1)

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Author's note! Hello everyone, Jax here, I just wanted to say welcome to the new SeroDeku one shot. I just wanted to say that for these next two (now three) chapters that we will be writing will be following some of my own Sero headcanons, so if anything seems out of nowhere then that is why. Other than that, enjoy this chapter!


Sero was pretty sure that he had all of the items necessary packed and zipped up into his suitcase. Bathing suit, hoodie, and a couple of outfits to last the week. He picked up his suitcase and rested it on the floor next to his bedside. Just at that moment his phone started to buzz a similar tune. Sero picked up the ringing phone and stared at the lit up screen. Sero smiled, and swiped the screen, and a familiar face popped up.

"Sero!" Midoriya shouted on the other line, Sero couldn't keep himself from smiling. "I'm so excited! Thank you so much for inviting me to come with you to the beach home!" Sero chuckled and tossed the phone back on his bed, getting himself dressed and situated.

"Of course, Mido! I didn't want to be alone with my mother this entire trip, so I thought it would be nicer if I brought you with me." Sero dreaded spending his time with his mother more than ever, she was always judgemental of how he wished to live and was always stuck up in her own traditional ways, so he avoided all sorts of confrontation with her. He believed bringing Midoriya along would be a good solution. "There's also this cool temple I wish to show you. Not many people know about it, but it's really cool."

"Oh! That sounds wonderful! Can't wait for you to show me!" Sero could hear some rustling on the other line, then what seemed to be a zipper. "You're picking me up right?"

"Mhm, I'll be driving the van and you can take the passenger's seat, my mom likes the space in the back." Sero picked up his phone and grabbed his car keys. "Give me about ten to fifteen minutes and I should be over."

"Awesome! I'm so excited!" Midoriya let out a little squeal and Sero smiled widely.

"I'm super excited too!" Sero exclaimed, then grabbed the handle of his suitcase and started lugging everything out the bedroom door. "I'll call you back when I get to your place."

"Sounds like a plan! See you then!" Midoriya hung up the phone. Sero smiled at the blank screen then slid his phone into his hoodie pocket as he made his way to the stairs. Once he got to the bottom, his mother was waiting by the door, her hair long, black, and silky tied back into a bun on the back of her head. She was dressed in a green kimono, covered in many tropical flowers. Her smile turned to a frown as she saw Sero approach her.

"Go change into a nicer jacket, dearest. That one looks dirty."

"I'm alright Mom. I washed this hoodie last night." He dusted off his shirt a little bit and smiled, her lips still rested in a frown.

Sero knew that same old disappointed face like the back of his hand. He was used to it by now. Besides, he wouldn't let his mom's bad attitude ruin this for him. He was too excited.

"Come on, Mom! I still have to pick up my friend!" Sero said, already running out the door and packing his stuff in the car.

"Oh, right. What's his name again?"


"And he's from your class, yes?"

"Yep! He's an awesome friend," Sero said with a smile. "Thanks again for letting me bring him along."

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