Make It A Party

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The street was quiet. The sidewalks were trashed. The streetlights were dim. The sun had set long ago, allowing darkness to consume the small town.

The villain had already ran, having no desire to stick around until the cops arrived. Retreating... Like any normal thug would.

No one was around. No one could help. No one could hear their cries. Patience was their only option.

"Just keep breathing... They'll be here soon," Midoriya said, crying and panicking. He sat on his knees on the rough asphalt, holding his best friend close as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Midoriya... You need to calm down," Sero said, his voice becoming raspy as he could feel blood coming up his throat.

"You're hurt! How can I not panic?!"

"Y'know... if I do die, I don't want a sad funeral. Make it a whole ass party," Sero said with a weak smile. Midoriya grinded his teeth.

"Don't say that! You're not leaving!!" More and more tears produced in Midoriya's sparkling eyes. It seemed as if they would never stop.

"Make sure there's plenty of weed, too."

"Damnit, Sero! This isn't a joke!" Sero let out a quiet chuckle.

"You've always had a fighting spirit, Midoriya. I've always loved that about you." Sero slowly lifted his hand to Midoriya's cheek, wiping some tears off in the process. "I love everything about you."

"This isn't a time for games."

"You think I'm kidding? I love you, Izuku." Midoriya placed his own hand on top of Sero's and leaned into the warmth. Faint sirens could be heard in the distance.

"I love you, too... Just please... Hold on."

"Promise me you won't stop chasing your dreams. Be the greatest pro hero you can be. Step up for both of us." The words Sero spoke pierced Midoriya's heart like a spear. He couldn't die. Not here. Not now. Not ever.


"Promise me." The blood continued its steady flow out of Sero's wounds. The thick red liquid dripped onto the asphalt, possibly leaving a permanent stain.

"I promise." The sirens became louder. "Can you tell the others that I'll miss them?" Midoriya shook his head.

"No, because you're not going to... to..."

"Die? Midoriya. You can't run from it. Besides, I'll always be with you..." Sero coughed up some blood as Midoriya choked on more tears.

"Don't forget about me, okay? Come visit me sometimes and tell me stories. I'll be listening."

"Don't leave me..." Midoriya whispered.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm just going away for a while. Live your full life and then come see me one day, okay?" Sero's weak smile formed into a stronger one. He gripped Midoriya's cheek and pulled him down to his level. He left a soft peck on Midoriya's lips. The sirens were loud now. Sero closed his eyes. "See you later, Izuku."

"No, Hanta-" Midoriya's choked up words were cut off by Sero's body going limp, his skin becoming cold. The unsteady breathing had completely ceased. Sero's chest had stopped lifting and lowering. Sero's hand on Midoriya's cheek would have fallen if not for Midoriya's grip holding it there. Sero's skin was cold against his freckled cheek. An uncontrollable amount of tears poured out of his eyes and his cry was loud and painful. A small smile still tugged at Sero's pale lips.

Flashing lights brightened the dark street. Cars skidded to a stop as men and women jumped out of the vehicles, rushing to Midoriya's side. Sero was pulled from his trembling arms. Just a bit longer. Just one more word. Just one more touch.

Midoriya would never understand why Sero had to leave, but even so, he never stopped visiting Sero daily. Bringing him flowers, telling him stories, saying all the "i love you's".

Sero was gone. No, not gone. Simply away for a while.

A/N: Hey, this is El! This one was super short, but I kinda hope I made a few of you cry. Anyways, our next "oneshot" will be a longer one, so stay tuned!! <3

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