whore 🙄

269 5 15

u live in ur japanese house of shit for many minutes before u have completely eaten and digested all of chrollos shit. u get kinda bored and then wonder how ur ex bessfren is and then u realize that she could've gotten the chrollo herself 🙄 that fucking whore she will pay for her sins. that's just an infinite amount of cum!!!!

u storm back ferociously to the forest and retrace ur steps to try and find where she was, but with no avail. she must've taken him or something th awooooooooooooo

chrollo where are u 🥺 u think in ur mind. u come across the tree he was sleeping in and see a note tied to the tree ❗️crazy... 😳

"hey bitch. if u want chrollo, u will have to get thru ME FIRST. he's mine" it was signed the random bitch who stole ur mans. ur already on the hunt and track her sent even tho chrollos strongly overpowers it u assume it's a trap to lure u elsewhere bc it goes the opposite direction as the whores

u walk for 3 days straight and piss on the ground several times

just as ur about to die u catch another smell of her scenery scrnt

u slowly drag ur dismembered body across the road and get hit by a truck 💔 fly high angle 🕊 jk ur love for chrollo overpowers death and u come back and pick yourself up bc grandma told u to ❤️

u continue on ur treachery's
treacherous damn why didn't it show up on autocorrect
u continue on ur treacherous journey to find chrollos cock until u find urself in the middle of a field. chrollo sits alone at the other end. why would he be alone? that's when u hear someone yell from behind u and tackled u

"oh hell no bitch i just died trying to get here and i'm not gonna let ur dry ass pussy kill me" u say and bite her finger. kinda kinky, but we're not gonna talk about that ❤️

here comes an intense fight scene 😳

she grabs ur hair and pulls it off and starts whipping u with it. this causes severe damage to both ur body, bald head, and mental stability.

"oh yeah? how u like that 😈" ew not blackpink anyways

u grab hold of ur hair and yank it out of her hands which causes them to start bleeding and then u spit in her eyes. she slaps herself in the face from the pain

"ooee mommy that was too far" she gets up and slaps u hard. u look back and she's crying and eye contact 👁👁

"are we 👉👈👄 are we about to kith 😳👉👈" u guys kiss. but then u remember she took chrollo so dropkick her and she dies

"this is my perfect victory! that's right, i win!" u say to her death and ur victory. u come back to ur senses and remember why u were fighting her in the first place. lezbeans🥱

"es hora 👹 de comer 😰 es hora 🤪 de comer 😳" u turn around knowing it's time to eat chrollos cock but he's not there 😢 where did he go omg noooo u will have to track his scent again to finally eat daddys cock 😈

i do not forgive 🧍 i will not participating

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