Chapter 45

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I tossed & turned in my bed all night long.
I was anxious that in a few hours I'd be leaving to Australia
But also Liam kept running through my head...
As the plane took off I closed my eyes & just imagined how amazing this trip is going to be

After a 18hr flight I made it to Australia safe & sound
I took a deep breathe
Finally a new beginning I thought to myself

I hopped into the first cab that was in sight, I gave the driver a piece of paper with the address of my very own new apartment.
After finally unpacking all my belongings I took a very long relaxing nap
I was so jet lagged
My nap was soon interrupted by a loud thud of what seemed to be drums?

Theses walls were not thick at all I could hear everything going on next door
Sounded like some type of band practice going on

lt was 12am & I was still tossing & turning
My neighbors would not let me sleep at all!
I decided to finally do something about it
I walked to their door & knocked very loudly so they'll hear with all that racket going on inside
They answered the door until the 100th knock
"Yes...oh hi do you need something?" The blonde boy asked shyly
"Um yeah actually I do. Do you mind keeping it down? I just moved in next door I'm just trying to get some rest."
"Who's that?" Another boy came to the door he had light brown curls & beautiful hazel eyes *heart eyes*
"Another annoyed neighbor I bet" the boy with the red colored hair said
"Band practice is over guys, enough for today-" the boy with the curls said
"What the hell Ashton you're doing it because of her huh? The sooner she gets annoyed of us the better! She'll leave quicker than the others" the boy with red hair said
"No it's enough. I'm tired goodnight" he walked out & closed the door behind him
"Um thanks I guess" I said
"They're dicks don't ever take anything serious of what comes out their mouths. I'm Ashton by the way." He smiled
"I'm Diana you're new & soon to be annoyed neighbor"
"I'll see you around Diana"he smiled & with that he left
I didn't see Ashton for the past 2 weeks now...
Which meant there was no band practice, which was great!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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