Chapter 3

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My first class of the day was American Lit. thank god I had Harry in there. We got lost on our way to class this campus was huge!

We walked into class a little late but the professor didn't mind he seemed chill, or maybe he was acting that way just because it was our first day, he was maybe being easy on us for today hm..

I took a quick glance at the class & immediately I look back towards the back of the classroom & find Zayn glued onto his phone

Ugh great ! Why did he have to be in this class why why why why !!

Well at least he hasn't seen me.. Yet.

The professor introduces himself as Mr.Gomez he does not look latino at well woah. He's actually pretty cute too until he mentions we are going to sit in assigned seating & alphabetically HE NO LONGER ATTRACTIVE.. we aren't in freaking elementary school anymore what is wrong with this guy??

I will def. be separated from Harry since his last name is with a S & mines is with a M just like Zayn's ah shit....

Just as I expected he sits me next to Zayn. I feel his eyes on me & I try to ignore him

" Hey Diana " he finally breaks the silence between us " Uhm Hey " " Long time no see " " Yeah I guess " " Miss me hot stuff? " I laugh out loud & the whole class turns & is staring at me how embarrassing * ding ding ding * the bell rings & saves me from embarrassment.

Zayn gets up & gives me a kiss on the cheek EW & winks at me on his way out

Ugh ew gross just gross

" Hey you okay in there? " Once again Harry pops up & interrupts my thoughts

" Is that the Zayn? Your ex Zayn? The one we found kissing with another girl at sizzlers? You're lucky I would want to sit next to my ex!- .." i cut him off

" Shut up its not the same , April & you did not end up that bad" i roll my eyes at him

" Hm true well you can try to talk to Mr.Gomez to make him change your seat you know, don't make your life so complicated because of him. But for now lets grab some lunch to get your mind off of it yeah? "

I agreed of course RULE #1 never say no to food

April & Harry are always feeding me maybe thats why I'm friends with them... just kidding

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