The first path

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I started crying again, as the music started and chicago wrapped his arms around me and held me closer then ever before.

I woke up, the morning after the concert. And for the first time in a while my left bedside wasn't empty. He was back. He laid on the side and we both didn't had the nerves to change into pyjamas. So we both just slept in our underwear. Then I took something to wear from my counter and went to the bathroom to change. The concert drained me so much, we left earlier because I didn't made it through. He just wanted a chilled evening and I ruined it. But he said he understands. He even apoligez official for not believing me and that he would always support what I am doing.

The day went on quite normal. We ate breakfast, watched TV, talked about some small stuff, visitied the other Bellas and went back home and all the other days were similar. But even as the days passed, the relationsship to Chicago was different and I think he felt the same. Until one morning he told me to have surprise for me.

"What is it", I asked while sitting at the table and eating breakfast.
"I don't know how this will make you feel, but I talked to DjJones. And I asked him if he might have some time for us...for  you actually."
"And why would you think I want to talk to him?"
"Because...okay I expected that question", with that he stood up and walked over to my pin-board. I didn't pay much attention to it the past few days because there wouldnt be any news anyways and I have looked at it for so long, I didn't think to find any new stuff.
"Because I looked at all these things yesterday when you were already sleeping. And I have a theory that might sound hard but as we were on the concert you told me that DjJones was allowed to sing instead of Beca and crew. Right?"
"And there were a lot of people at the concert because it was the tour-end.", his eyes flew over all the papers. "Here", he pointed on an article about the fact of the Stage. I stood up and walked over to him. I first looked at chicago and then on where his finger pointed.

"Over 50.000 people can find a seat at the stag....", his finger blocked the end of the sentence.

"I have no idea what you want me to know with that information.", I said honestly.
"Yes, wait. 50.000 people are a lot right? And all the tickets were already bought so the 50.000 viewers were safe for him", his eyes sparkled as if he just found the most impostant invention of the year.
"I- I'm sorry. I don't get it."
"Okay, see. Have you ever heard of DjJones before?"
"Not really I think but-"
"That's it. Me neither. DjJones, a rapper that suddenly takes over a stage with 50.000 people in the audience. What if, that was his plan? What if he made the plane crash, so he could be on that stage?"

My brain started thinking but as strange as all that sounds, it was possible. After all.
"Omg, you are brilliant!", I said and jumped into his arms to hug him.
"I need to call the police. Right now", I grabbed my phone and started calling their number.
"Wait, are you sure we should call the police? I told DjJOnes we would meet him tomorrow at the bar. I said we were journalists that want to ask him questions, now that he is famous."
"The police can do so much more then we can.", Chicago nodded and gave my phone back. Then I called the police.

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