'-14.230115, -169.472722"

169 6 0

And suddenly I wasn't sure anymore about what he said or not.

Some days went by and I was always repeating everything that has happened since the concert. But the more I tried to remember, the more I forgot. Until one day, I had so many versions of what happened or not in my head, that I wasn't even sure if i really went to the concert.
Chicago seemed to worry about me and tried to keep me distanced from the past days, so I would be able to find myself again and get a clearer side. But even when I had days that kept me distracted, at the latest in the night my thought found me again.

I have read that writing everything down helps sorting your mind, but I wrote so many things and tried to connect them that even my notes were an entire chaos. Chicago wanted me to get professional help, when I started to wake up late in the night to write my chaos down, but I refused to get help, because it would only make me feel more sick then I really was.

Again, days went by and my sleeping shedule got worse. Chicago made me take medication but they only made me sleep at the day and i was awake in the night. Even Aubrey came to visit me to keep me distracted but her present only made me angry because of how she talked about reopening the bellas for a new adventure. The moral of this story is, I kicked her out and slamed the door right infront her face. I did apoligize though after a few days, but to be honest, I didn't mean it.

"Chloe, you got a message. Please don't freak out okay? I have no idea how this is possible", Chicago came down the stairs while I was drinking a cup of coffee at 3am sitting at my table and staring at the pin-board. I added the interview because I went insane and did not change anything about it afterwards. But now my attention went to Chicago.

"What do you mean, please dont freak out?"
"The message, it is from Beca", he gave me my phone and I stared at the display.

'-14.230115, -169.472722'

"What is this?", I think I did not immedienty realized what happened because of my caffeine stoned head.
"Chloe, those are coordinates. I think she is alive and send you her position"
"She-what? She is alive?", that is when my brain realized what just happened. "She is alive!"

I jumped up and down yelling and screaming.
"Chicago she is alive. I told you I told you all! I was right! I was right the entire time!"

Chicago laughed but then he turned serious imediently.
"Chloe try to answer her and then call the police. This is serious. Maybe she is in danger"
"yes, you are right. Of course" I texted her back.

'Are you alive? Are you okay? I will safe you'

But the message didn't even arrive. Then we called the police again, I told them what happened and that is when everything went pretty fast.

They send some helicopters to the coordinates together with ambulances for the emergency. The press was awake immidiently and one article after the other were floating the internet. Rumors along with thousands of stories and theories went through america.

"Dead crew comes back to life"
"The police failed a pop iconic"
" A happy ending for the fandom"

But the best one was
"The one friend that never gave up saved Dj Khaled and crew"


After I told them, what Beca has send me, they wanted to meet me. So me and Chicago drove to the police department. After I made my statement and showed them the message it took about 3 hours until they really believed me and made all the holicopters and emergency machines ready.
While they were on their way I finally got to talk to them about DjJones and that I thought about him lying. When I told them that at the concert he said, he said goodbye to Dj Khaled in person, and they loooked it up, they really found someone that recorded that concert and posted it. And after all these days struggling what was the truth and what my mind has made up, I am finally able to say that I was right from the beginning. 

In the Moment Dj Jones smiled at me with this fake, fame laugh, I remembered that at the concert he said:
"Right before they entered the plane, I have talked to Dj Khaled..."
And I also remembered the police telling me:
"...Dj Jones has a save alibi for what he did when the machine started..."
And both of those statements did not fit together. Why would Dj Jones lie to the police and find an excuse for where he has been, if he told the whole world he said goodbye to Dj Khaled. And the police thought the same because they were on their way, right to the stage Dj Jones had his second performance and brought him to the police station to let him make a statement.

I was send home but I wanted to know where they  will bring Beca. After about 9 months of constantly thinking I would never see her again, and people telling me I was crazy for believing she is alive, all I really wanted was hugging her and never letting her go again.

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