Nino X Reader

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(Soulmate Au: If you get hurt the mark shows up on your soulmate TW Self harm, and mention blood) N/n- Nickname

(Your POV)

I started walking to school with Marinette, and Alya who were talking about what they did during the weekend. “What about you Y/n?” Alya turned, and asked me I look up at her kind of taken back.

‘YOU CAN’T LIE TO THEM THEIR YOUR FRIENDS, but then again you can’t tell them the truth.’ Your thoughts went back, and forth till you finally came up with you lie/truth. “I was at work it was a long shift, and people just coming in, and out.” I smiled at them.

“Wow that must suck what time did you go home?” Mari asked me I looked at her, and smiled. “Not long Zed came in, and took the night shift so I got home, and did homework around 10pm.” I said thinking about it.

(A/n: Zed will be explained at the end as will any other spontaneous characters that show up)

Alya nodded “Ok as long as you got enough sleep.” She said walking up the steps of the school me, and Mari following her. We all stop in front of the school I hug Alya, and Mari as we go our separate ways.

“Hey, if you want you could hand out with me, and Alya later if you want.” Mari said being sweet as always. “Nah, I don’t want to impose on your date plus I'm hanging out with the guys later.” I said smiling at her.

“Whatever you say Fam.” Alya says walking off interwinding her fingers with Mari’s I smile at both of them, and start walking to my locker.

*TIME SKIP after school*

As I was putting my books away, I see to bodies lay on the lockers next to me. I turn, and see Adrian, and Nino who looks like he got jumped by someone. I finish putting my books away, and close my locker. “So... You told the girls that you were going to hang out with us today.” Adrian said looking at me.

I smiled up at him ‘SHIT DID I JUST GET CAUGHT IN MY LIE PLAY IT COOL IDIOT’ I internally yelled at myself. “Yeah, I thought we were my bad if you guys don’t want to, I was just going to stay at home anyways.” I said lying through my teeth.

“And you should probably put some alcohol on that cut it could get infected.” I said pointing at the cut on Nino’s face. He let out a sigh “I know but my soulmate gets hit almost every day, before this one can even heal, I'll have another one on my back, leg, or even face.”

Me, and Adrian gave each other a look of concern then looked back at our friend. “Mabey their just clumsy” Adrian suggested Nino just scoffed, and pulled up his sleeve to show cuts on his wrist in a row.

“They got these from being clumsy?” He said looking hurt, and sad that his soulmate was doing this to themselves. I was shocked as I finally figured it out ‘Nino. Is. My. Soulmate.’ I thought to myself.

‘Think about it you get beat up every day from the ring, and suddenly Nino has the same bruises you manage to cover up. To top it off he has your scars the one’s no one is supposed to know about’ You thought to yourself, and all the facts were correct.

“Well, maybe they have their reasons, maybe they don’t mean to hurt you because they didn’t know it affected you too.” You said tugging at your hoodie sleeve trying to reason or cheer him up, but it only made him more upset.

“That doesn't make it right they shouldn’t hurt themselves in the first place, it’s horrible and what if their life was taken away from them because they did something so reckless what would happen to all the people around them, do they ever think about how they would feel!” Nino said getting heated, I finally snapped.

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