Luka x reader

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(So, you guys chose Luka for the boys lets gooooo p.s. Y/n is a girl but I'll try to keep it neutral) L/n- Last name in case you forgot Luka is 29. your 23. Cora is 5. Shiro is 16.

(Your POV)

I let out a sigh looking at myself in the mirror ‘Can’t believe I let Mari talk me into this what if he’s another weird old dude.’ I thought shivering at the memory of the other guy, but she assured me that he was around my age.

I get into my uber, and call Mari to ask her the name of the restaurant as I pulled up to the front, I only had one thought. ‘I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD THIS!’ I yelled in my head as I stepped out of the car.

You could hear the sound of my heals hitting the pavement letting out a sigh walking inside telling the waitress the name of the reservation. As she walked me over to the table, I got even more nervous as I saw he was already there.

He stood up when he saw me approach the table, and to be honest he was very attractive. When I walked up, he stuck out his hand for me to shake. “It’s good to finally meet you Marinette talks about you a lot.” He said as I sat across from him.

“I’m Luka Couffaine.” He said introducing himself I smiled at his kind tone “I’m Y/n L/n.” I said giving him a warm smile so this would be less awkward. “Y/n if I may why did you become a sugar baby?” He asked. (I think that’s what their called)

I laugh nervously not making eye contact with him making it more awkward. “Honestly, I need to pay off some bills, and I don’t make that much money from my jobs, plus I have to take care of my children.” I said, and he looks at me in surprise.

“You have kids?” He asked, and I look at him confused then I think about how I worded it. “Oh no not my kids I just call them that they're my brothers kids his wife didn’t want them after he passed away, and I didn’t want them in foster care so I took them in.” I said taking a sip of my water because of how nervous I was.

He placed his hand on top of mine, and gave me a cute smile. “You don’t have to be so nervous I'm not going to judge you for being yourself.” He said in a very comforting voice that made me calm down a little.

“So why did you become a sugar daddy?” I ask tilting my head a little, and he let out a little chuckle. “Well, this is my first time Marinette actually talked me into it, and to be completely honest I'm glad she did.” He said giving my hand a small kiss, and we continued talking, and laughing the whole night till I had to go home.

“As long as you're ok with it I’d like to take you home.” He said as we walked out together, and I looked at him, and nodded when we finally pulled up to my house I lean over, and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Tonight, was fun thanks.” I said stepping out.

“Bye.” We said to each other, and he drove off walking in to see Mari sitting on the couch smirking at me. “So how did it go?” She asked smirking at me as I felt blush creeping up on my face.

“How did what go?” Shiro asked walking into the living room with a soda in his hand. “Noth-” “Your Auntie had a date!” Marinette said squealing, and Shiro automatically went into protective mode.

“Did he hurt you? Do you like him? Is he nice if he’s mean to you, I'll kill him I know how to hide a body?” He said and I just laugh at both of them when my phone buzzes.

‘Hey is it cool if I pick you up tomorrow for coffee??’ From Luka I smile texting him back ‘Yeah that’s fine’ Putting my phone down along with my purse, and taking off my heals which might I add I hate/love.


I smile as we talk just enjoying our coffee when my phone rings, I look down it was from Shiro’s school. I pick it up, and hear the vice principal's voice. “Hello Ms. L/n could you please come pick up Shiro from school it seems he got himself into another fight.” I sigh in frustration.

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