Marc x reader

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(Your POV)

I sigh as I look out on the beach as I sit on a rock looking out at the ocean when I hear someone walk up behind me.

"Started sight seeing without me I seeing without me I see." I turn around to see my blurry figured soulmate. I look the same to him he can't see my face and I can't see his.

I jump down from my rock and grab his hand placing a gental kiss on it. "Do you like the view I remember last time you said you liked the beach so here we are." I say as I step out of the way so he can enjoy the view.

"Yes its very nice. So moonlight how's life so far?" He asks taking a seat on the rock. Moonlight. That was the codename I chose I'd rather not risk him knowing who I truly am. A princess of the four kingdoms.

"Very nice princess and yours?" I ask I've called him princess since our first encounter when we had first met he had acted very shy but once I got to know him we got more comfortable with each other. He's just so delicate and kind I call him princess just to mess with him.

We both mutually agreed that real names were not going to be used for the sake of us hopefully meeting naturally. "Ok I suppose I'm supposed to meet a princess tomorrow in hopes that she might be my soulmate." He said over exaggerating his words as to hint that it was all his parents fault.

"Mhh my mom wants me to meet a prince tomorrow so we may unite our 2 kingdoms." I say looking down and place my hand on top of his. "If you like her promise me you won't at least try it out because of me." I say cupping his face with my other hand.

"And if you like this gut then please by all means go for it I won't stop you. As long as your happy." He says pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

I smile at him and look around to see the sand lifting up into the air. "Well times up i suppose. See you tomorrow princess?" I ask looking up at him.

"Of course moonlight."  He says pulling me in for a hug and suddenly he dissappears. "Your majesty wake up the queen requests your presence immediately." My lady in waiting Dolly says as she pulls back the drapes letting the light in.

She turns back to me and studys my face for a bit before she goes off on me. "Y/n you saw him again didn't you!" She whisper shouts at me. She's the only one I've ever told about my soulmate dreams.

"Yes and I don't regret it." I say immediately as I pull myself out of bed and start getting dressed with Dollys help of course. Corsets are a bitch and a half.

"Do I really have to marry some stuck up prince?" I ask rolling my eyes as I slip into my favorite dress. "Well from what I hear he's an absolute gentleman sorta shy but still marriage material." Dolly says opening the doors for me and follows behind me.

When we finally reach the throne room the guards let me in and I bow to my mother sitting on her throne.

"Good morning mother." I say as I look up at her. "Good morning darling." I called you here to tell you to pack because today we head off to meet the prince." She stated not looking up from her papers.

"Yes mother." I whisper and walk out of the room hurrying back to my room. "Come on Dolly the faster we do this the faster it can be over with." I say exasperated as I look through the dressed I had to take.


As the carriage pulls up to the front of the castle as soon as we step out were greeted by the king and queen with the prince standing by their side.

"Ah your highness its so good to see you again." The queen says to my mother as they start chatting. "Princess Y/n please come meet my son, prince Marc." The king states and I bow to the prince.

"Hello." I say trying to be calm when really I just want this to be over with. "Hi." He says back quietly looking at the ground.

"Marc how about you show the princess around the grounds so that the grown-ups can talk?" The queen suggested smiling over at us. Marc nodded and grabbed my hand leading me around the grounds.

After talking for awhile and getting to know each other he led me to a rose garden. "My favorite place would have to be the beach." He said handing me a rose.

"My favorite place would be the beach." "I love the sand on the beach." "The beach is a beautiful place." I look at him in shock could it be that the prince was my soulmate. No its just a coincidence everyone likes the beach. Well just to be sure...

"Well anywhere with you would be my favorite place princess." I say smirking as I placed the rose behind his ear tilting his chin so he'd look at me. I did this before... in our dream but this didn't feel any less real it felt natural.

His face went completely red and he kept stumbling over his words. Then his shock finally caught up to him. "M-MOONLIGHT!?" He exclaimed smiling and blushed harder realizing that I was still holding him.

I giggle and let him go leaning on a wall as to not fall over on the floor. With all that blush on his face I swore he almost matched the rose's color.

I finally calmed down from my laughing fit and stood up straight. "The one and only, princess." I said doing a dramatic bow and placing a kiss on his hand.

"D-Dont call me that here." He said looking away and pulling his hand back. "I'm a respectable prince." He said straightening his outfit.

I hummed looking him up and down and finally made eye contact with him. "Hmm... yeah no." I said walking past him and patting his back. "You're me princess always have been always will be." I say as I walk back towards the castle.

"You do see the irony in that right?" He asked and I stopped and tilted my head as a gesture for him to go on. "You always called me princess even before I knew you were a princess how ironic is that." He said shrugging and smiled at me.

I feel my face heat up as I stare at his smile a little while longer. "Beautiful." I say looking into his eyes which seemed to throw him off guard and his face was back to red. "W-What?" He asked not looking at me but trying to look elsewhere.

"I said your beautiful. It just slipped out." I say shrugging off my complete bluntness not feeling the need to sugar code it.

He cupped my cheek to make me look him in the eyes. "You are an absolutely outstanding person..." He said as his eyes flicker down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

"Y/n... C-can I kiss you?" He asked slowly leaning in closer. I nod and slowly close my eyes as we both lean in closer.

I feel his lips on mine and suddenly everything else in that moment just seemed so much more inconvenient. As we pull away we rest our forheads against each others.

"Wow." He said as he looks into my eyes still cupping my face. I smile and let out a little laugh. "Wow princess who knew you could be so bold." I said smirking as I peck his lips and walk away.

(No ones POV)

As the parents look down at their kids looking into each others eyes falling in love with each other. "This alliance will be a strong one." The king stated a matter-of-factly while the queen smiles at he daughter.

(Please read the Authors note)

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