chapter three: a little blob of orange

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Hello my muffins I hope you are well today! Sorry but I couldn't wait to make a new chapter sorry! So I decided to just drop a new one with our favorite slime scp 999! Well let's get into the story shall we?

3th person pov:

It was a few days after the female met scp 173 and she was getting more depressed with every single day that passes. Yesterday was a huge breach but the girl just stayed in her containment cell to scared what could happen if she gets out of her cell, currently she's laying on her cot trying to find a comfortable position on the hard bed. After a while she thinks some of the scientists have noticed her depressed behavior because a doctor and two guards came in telling her to follow.

Y/n pov: I followed them through s couple of hallways and then to a elevator, as we got out of the elevator we walked for a few moments before stopping at a door. The guard swipes his key card over the sensor and the door opens, "what am I doing here is that a another test?.." I asked while looking at the ground. "Just get inside your going to feel better when you come back out, you have half an hour ok?" The doctor tells me softly as if to tell me that everything is going to be just fine. I nod and walk into the room, after I hear the door close I look up and around the room. I see something bright orange in the middle of the room, "scp 0475 please approach scp 999" The doctor said through the intercom. I nod and walk to the weird thing on the ground, the closer I get to it the more happier I feel. As I stand in front of the thing I see two small black eyes staring up at me and then it jumps and hugs me with it small arm's. "wha-hahaha!" I start laughing loudly as I can feel how all the bad thoughts and my sad and depressing mood is suddenly gone and replaced with laughter and happiness. A little more and half an hour a doctor comes in that I don't know at all, "hello y/n! My name is doctor bright!" The man said happily. I smile because he said my name instead of the weird scp thing. "Hello doctor bright nice to meet you, can I help somehow?" I asked as I set scp 999 down and walk over to but stop as the guards behind him pull up their guns. "I-i won't hurt him I promise!" I squeaked closing my eyes. "Hey put the guns down boy's!" I hear bright say. As I open my eyes slightly I see Dr. Bright staring at them and he puts a hand on my shoulder, "everything is okay don't be scared, I will bring you back to your containment cell. Do you need something?" He asked me "can I have a f/d (favorite drink) please?" I asked while smiling innocently at bright. "Yeah sure" He looked at one of the guard's "one of you both please go to the cafeteria and get her f/d please" Bright told them and one of them walked away to the cafeteria the other one and bright are bringing me back to my containment cell. After a few minutes while talking with Dr. Bright the one guard came back with f/d and hands it to me, I took a small sip. "Thank you!" I smiles at the guard who gave it to me, "no problem miss" He said. "Well y/n your going to have your first test tomorrow with an euclid like you, are you excited?" He beamed at me, "I'm.. Not so sure.. What if I get hurt or worst.. Get killed?" I said quietly. "Well as long he don't touches you, you are going to be A-okay!" He said smiling, "they are going to test her with 049!?" The guard nearly screamed at Dr. Bright and continues "you know what happened last time we tried to let him see a another scp!" He now screamed with fear in his voice. Dr. Bring sight "yeah, yeah I know! But we will never know if it was because of how weak and sick the other scp was! 049 didn't meant to kill the scp!" Doctor bright said furiously. "Why.. What happened?" I asked quietly "'s something we aren't allowed to tell.. Sorry kid.." Dr. Bright said with a sigh. "Well we need to tell her sir, she has to know how dangerous it is" The guard left to bright said. "Yeah.. I know but I don't want her to be scared.." Bright said frustrated. "Well.. Tell I'm curious doctor" I forced a small smile on my lips. The guard starts telling me about a small girl, her name was alice it scp-8755, they put her into scp 049's cell for a few days and scp 049 was forbidden to touch her because alice was liked by all Doctors, scientists and MTF personal. But she was really sick because she took all the sickness of people and transferred it into herself, it didn't care what kind of sickness the person had. One touch was enough to heal the person completely. Alice got more and more sick, one day when she was visiting scp 049 she slipped of the table because she was startled by something scp 049 did or said. And he panicked and tried to catch her but killed her instead. After the guard was done telling me I just stood there in shock and with tears in my eyes, "you want me to go in there and probably be killed by this monster!?" Dr. bright's eyes get cold and he stares at me "well scp 0475 your a 'Monster' yourself, you also killed people. Your own family at that." Bright said in such a harsh tone that it made me flinch back slightly. "The test is going to be later instead of tomorrow." Bright said and walked away shutting the door behind him leaving me alone in my cold cell.

Okay that's it for now in the next chapter your going to meet 049!

I hope you muffins drank and ate enough! Have a good day or night! 😘😘


Word count: 1076

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