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It is a cloud's POV that is dark and rain filled


The river is running dry

And I cannot cry

To fill.

For that is not

God's will

He wish to punish

The people on the hill

He has taken all their water

Burned down their crops

Dried out the fruits

For they are the sinners

They worship a visage

Deep in mountain

Inside a mine

A total of nine

They call for rain

But invoke God's rage

What is that God they have to save

Who lives inside a dark cave

Blinded himself

Cannot hear

I don't know why

Those people fear

(I'm not sure if it is good enough a poem that is why I  will be waiting for your feedback. Just tell me if you feel this can be made better)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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