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Here I am
Lying in bed
Here I am
Waiting to be dead
And when I close my eyes
I see paradise
Promised to me
But I don't want to leave
I don't want to go
It's a better place, I know
No worries, no sorrow
Nor death
I don't want that place
I can't leave the gold and grace
And I would trade
That life
For a moment of this world
And when I do that
I would have to die still
So I have lost
All the gold
All the wealth
And Paradise as well
And there is nothing left to trade
But years inside hell
So let's do that
Live in this world, greying
With hell's life paying
And the years in it growing
So a useless trade it was
Leave the good
For something
Sure to fall

Sinners and Doers #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now